
  • 网络hydrocarbon accumulation
  1. 第二个阶段为N22-Q,该阶段是阿拉尔断裂带油气成藏的重要时期。

    The second stage is the important period of Alar fault zone hydrocarbon accumulation : N22-Q , Oil and gas mainly through vertical fracture to fracture toward the high point of migration .

  2. 大型裂陷盆地深层具有良好的油气成藏条件。

    Large deep rift basin has good conditions for hydrocarbon accumulation .

  3. 运用DAVIDA.White,1988介绍的方法,编制东海陆架盆地西湖凹陷和瓯江凹陷油气成藏组合图。

    Plays of Xihu Sag and Oujiang Sag in East China Sea Basin have been compiled according to David A. White 's method .

  4. 伊利石K-Ar测年在确定油气成藏期中的应用

    Application of K-Ar dating technique to determination of timing of oil / gas entrapment

  5. 为了解油气成藏过程中常见的降压和气洗作用对甾、萜烷分子组成的影响,开展了PVT模拟实验。

    PVT experiment in which pressure-drop and gas-washing in reservoirs are simulated under subsurface temperature and pressure conditions .

  6. Bongor盆地油气成藏地质条件及分布规律初探

    An exploratory research on geological conditions of hydrocarbon pooling and distribution patterns of reservoirs in the Bongor Basin

  7. 不同的不整合剖面类型可以形成不同的油气成藏模式。

    The different types of unconformity show different oil-gas reservoir-forming patterns .

  8. 网毯式油气成藏体系的动态平衡研究

    Dynamic balance analysis of meshwork-carpet type oil and gas pool-forming system

  9. 大港油田板桥古潜山油气成藏条件探讨

    Conditions of Reservoir Formation in Banqiao Buried Hill of Dagang Oilfield

  10. 同时认为异常高压对该地区油气成藏具有控制作用。

    The abnormal overpressure had a significant control on hydrocarbon accumulation .

  11. 准噶尔盆地南缘前陆盆地油气成藏系统划分研究

    Division of hydrocarbon accumulation system in the southern Junggar Foreland Basin

  12. 文西断裂带油气成藏条件研究

    Study on Formation Conditions of Oil Reservoirs in West Wenliu Fault-zone

  13. 海相古隆起在油气成藏中的作用

    A Role of Marine Paleo-uplift in Reservoir-forming of Oil and Gas

  14. 油气成藏年代学研究进展及发展趋势

    Geochronology of petroleum accumulation : new advances and the future trend

  15. 准噶尔盆地中部油气成藏期次及勘探方向

    Hydrocarbon accumulation stages and exploration directions in the central Junggar Basin

  16. 镇原&泾川地区储层及油气成藏特征

    Research on the Characteristics of Hydrocarbon Reservoir Accumulation in Zhenyuan-Jingchuan Area

  17. 塔里木东北地区盆山耦合及其对油气成藏的控制

    Basin - range coupling and hydrocarbon accumulation in Northeastern Tarim Basin

  18. 油气成藏系统&概念、分类和应用

    A review on petroleum system : concepts , classification and Application

  19. 高邮凹陷北斜坡辉绿岩与油气成藏

    Diabase and hydrocarbon reservoir formation on the northern slope of Gaoyou sag

  20. 济源凹陷油气成藏主控因素与含油气远景分析

    Reservoir Forming Factors and Hydrocarbon Potential Analysis of Jiyuan Sag

  21. 汤原断陷断裂构造特征及油气成藏特点

    Fault structural features in Tangyuan depression and its oil and gas accumulation

  22. 泌阳凹陷油气成藏特征及勘探潜力分析

    Features of Hydrocarbon Accumulation and Analysis on Exploration Potential in Biyang Depression

  23. 盆地岩石圈结构与油气成藏及分布

    Lithosphere structures , petroleum accumulation and distribution in petroliferous basin

  24. 准噶尔盆地流体输导格架及其对油气成藏与分布的控制

    Fluid-Conduit Framework and Its Control on Petroleum Accumulation in the Junggar Basin

  25. 阿拉善断块侏罗系油气成藏控制因素

    The Control Factors on Hydrocarbon Accumulation of Jurassic in Alashan Fault Block

  26. 三维油气成藏动力学建模与软件开发

    Model construction and software development of 3-D hydrocarbon pool-forming dynamics

  27. 准噶尔盆地南缘古近系-新近系异常高压系统与油气成藏机理

    Overpressure and mechanisms of hydrocarbon accumulation in Tertiary of southern Junggar Basin

  28. 辽河滩海地区油气成藏主控因素分析

    Analysis on Main Control Factors for Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Liaohe Tidal Zone

  29. 伊朗库姆盆地油气成藏机理分析

    A preliminary study on petroleum accumulation in the Qom basin , iran

  30. 海西运动在塔里木盆地油气成藏中的意义

    Significance of Hercynian Movement in Hydrocarbon Accumulation in Tarim Basin