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  1. 对不同土地类型NPP排序,结果为:林地耕地草地灌木建设用地水域未利用地永久冰雪。

    The sequencing for was Woodland Farmland Grassland Shrub Construction Land Water Unused Land Permanent Snow and Ice .

  2. 高山永久冰雪带.进而提出了合理开发利用天山山地气候资源,以促进当地经济发展。

    High mountain permanent snow-ice zone . The aim of the thesis offeres scientific basis for research on mountainy climate in Tianshan Mountains and development of local economy .

  3. 如果一个人做一次大陆旅行,他会发现各种各样的地貌,包括山区、平原、高原、沙漠、热带雨林和永久性冰雪覆盖的空旷无人区。

    If one made a journey over the Continents one would find every kind of surface including mountain ranges , plains , plateaux , deserts , tropical forestlands and empty areas covered permanently by ice and snow .