
  • 网络Morning tea
  1. 一会儿之后,比尔就会回来喝早茶。

    Bill would be over in a minute for his morning tea .

  2. 我们停下来喝早茶吧。

    Let 's break off for morning tea .

  3. 喝早茶时吃些奶酪薄片和炸薯条最好不过了。

    Cheese wafers and potato chips are really very good snacks for coffee break .

  4. 我来这里喝早茶,一切就这样开始了,对吗?

    I came around here for morning tea and it all went from there , didn 't it really ?

  5. 北京人吃早点,广东人喝早茶,这是两种不同的生活习惯。

    The person from Beijing has breakfast , the Cantonese drinks the early tea , this is two kind of different habits and customs .

  6. 很多能量都来自塞米特艺术屋(CemetiArtHouse)这样的社区艺术空间,它欢迎参观者进来喝一杯早茶。

    Much of the energy springs from communal art spaces such as the Cemeti Art House , which welcome visitors to share morning tea .