
hè cǎi
  • cheer;applause;acclaim;acclamation
喝彩 [hè cǎi]
  • [acclaim;cheer] 掷骰子时,呼喝作势,希望得彩。彩,骰上标记。后用以大声叫好

  • 齐声喝采

喝彩[hè cǎi]
  1. 美国基因组先驱克雷格凡特(CraigVenter)上月宣称,已制造出第一个有自我复制能力的人造细胞。公众对此反应不一,有的疯狂喝彩,有的深表不安,很多人则不太确定应该抱什么想法。

    When US genomics pioneer Craig Venter claimed last week to have created the first self-replicating synthetic cell , the public reaction ranged from giddy acclaim to profound unease . Many people were not quite sure what to think .

  2. 把失败写进自己的简历里,为自己的失败而喝彩。

    Failure to include their resumes , for their own failure acclaim .

  3. 听众中爆发出一片欢呼喝彩声。

    The audience broke into rapturous applause .

  4. 观众又是喝彩又是鼓掌。

    The audience cheered and clapped .

  5. 昨天,瑞士球迷在雅各布·赫拉塞克对阵库里耶的比赛中为赫拉塞克喝彩加油。

    Swiss fans cheered Jakob Hlasek during yesterday 's match with Courier .

  6. 当这些女人们逐一发言时,她们每个人都赢得了喝彩声。

    There were cheers for each of the women as they spoke in turn .

  7. 这真是一段精彩绝伦的舞蹈表演,每次总是博得全场喝彩。

    It 's really an amazing dance . It just always brings the house down .

  8. 观众为舞蹈演员优美的动作喝彩。

    The audience applauded the dancer 's graceful movements .

  9. 球迷们为自己的球队鼓掌喝彩。

    The fans applauded their team .

  10. 在学校组织的音乐会上,大家都为小提琴手喝彩叫好。

    Everyone cheered for the violinist at out school concert .

  11. 观众怀着真诚的热情鼓掌喝彩。

    The audience applauded with genuine enthusiasm .

  12. 他的演讲博得全场的喝彩。

    His speech met with universal applause .

  13. 齐打夯儿地喝彩。

    Shout approval in unison .

  14. 那年轻的歌手一直渴望能听到观众的喝彩声。

    The young singer has been burning for a chance to hear the cheers of the crowd .

  15. 那位年轻歌手首场演出结束时,台下响起了雷鸣般的喝彩声,使她又惊又喜。

    The young singer was pleasantly surprised when waves of cheering broke over her at the end of her first performance .

  16. 在学校音乐会上,大家都为小提琴手喝彩叫好。

    Everyone cheered for the violinist at our school concert .

  17. 所有的观众都为那名女歌手喝彩叫好

    All audience hurrahed the girl singer .

  18. 当另一个演说者赢得了满座喝彩声时,保罗心里又嫉妒又气恼。

    Paul looked through his green glasses peevishly when the other speaker brought down the house with applause .

  19. 请给在职MBA喝彩三声!

    Three cheers for the part-time MBA !

  20. 白奶奶给孙子起名为Michael(迈克尔),和已故流行天王名字一样。白奶奶因舞蹈自学成才赢得了众人的喝彩。

    Mrs Bai , whose grandson is named Michael after the late pop star , has won plaudits for her self-taught dancing .

  21. 那么,让我们为iea喝彩吧。

    Bravo , then , to the IEA .

  22. 在此事件之前,三星以围绕GalaxyS7和最新发布的Note7手机的大胆举措赢得喝彩。

    Until this incident , Samsung had been winning plaudits for its bold moves with the Galaxy S7 and latest Note 7 handsets .

  23. 讲一口流利的汉语、曾担任驻华外交官的陆克文,最初因批准有关气候变化的《京都议定书》(kyotoprotocol)而赢得了国际社会的喝彩。

    Mr Rudd , who speaks fluent Mandarin and worked in China as a diplomat , initially won international plaudits for ratifying the Kyoto Protocol on climate change .

  24. 我跟朋友们开心得喝彩!我在想我们是否会被攻击!你知道一些国家的球迷会互相攻击,这是我第一次看NBA比赛,不晓得会怎样!

    Cuz you know some soccer fans in some countries kill each other and it 's my first NBA game , I didn 't know what to expect !

  25. 迈克尔-维克(MichaelVick)周四晚参加了赛季前热身赛,重返比赛场地。以变化无常著称的费城老鹰球迷们站起来喝彩表示欢迎。

    Michael Vick returned to the playing field Thursday night for a preseason game . And the famously fans welcomed him with a standing ovation .

  26. 在我的世界里,只有一个伊基是你想见的,伯德说他指的是伊基·波普(IggyPop)他的话引来满堂喝彩。

    In my world , there is only one Iggy you want to meet , Mr. Byrd said meaning Iggy Pop to whooping applause .

  27. 今天,当世界为中国喝彩的时候,当PresidentHu在联合国的讲话引起全世界对中国应对气候变化努力的一片褒扬的时候,我们深刻地认识到,中国已走上国际舞台。

    Today , when the world cheers for China , when we hear praise for President Hu Jintao 's statement on climate change at the UN podium , we are aware that China has emerged on the world stage .

  28. 麦金托什在20世纪早期即享誉全欧洲,但在他的家乡格拉斯哥(Glasgow),直到他于1928年逝世之后的很长一段时间内,其才华都无人喝彩。

    Mackintosh was acclaimed throughout Europe in the early 1900s , but his talent was little celebrated in his hometown of Glasgow until long after his death in 1928 .

  29. 艾伦•格林斯潘(AlanGreenspan)全然不顾这些迹象,随着数百亿美元抵押贷款的发放,他赢得了喝彩和声誉,而那些借款人却可能永远都不会偿还贷款了。

    Alan Greenspan brushed the evidence aside , courting applause and celebrity as mortgage lenders advanced billions of dollars to people who would never be in a position to repay the loans .

  30. 当他在1931年与查理·卓别林(CharlieChaplin)见面时,据说卓别林对他说,公众为他们两人喝彩,是因为每个人都理解自己的电影,但没有一个人理解爱因斯坦的理论。

    When he met Charlie Chaplin in 1931 , Chaplin is said to have told Einstein that the crowds cheered them both because everyone understood him and no one understood Einstein .