
  • 网络doping test;dope test;Doping Control
  1. 促红细胞生成素(EPO)是一种临床上广泛应用的重要药物,也是近年来兴奋剂检测的热点。

    Erythropoietin is an important medicament in clinical treatment . It has also been a hotspot in doping control area in recent years .

  2. GC/HRMS在兴奋剂检测中的应用研究

    Application of GC / HRMS in Doping Control Analysis

  3. 气相色谱(GC)&高分辨质谱(HRMS)联用在兴奋剂检测中的应用

    Recent Development on the Applications of Gas Chromatography-High Resolution Mass Spectrometry ( GC-HRMS ) to Doping Analysis

  4. EPO的糖型分析在生物制药行业的质量控制和体育比赛的兴奋剂检测过程中都有着十分重要的应用。

    Profiling of EPO glycoforms is a critical means for quality control in pharmaceutical industrial and anti-doping analysis of misuse in sports .

  5. 所有运动员都需要在ADAMS系统中每天输入时间和地点,以便兴奋剂检测人员能够开展赛外例行体检测试。

    All athletes have to enter their details into ADAMS and register a time and location each day when and where they can be reached by doping testers in case of an out-of-competition test .

  6. 国际兴奋剂检测与奥林匹克运动的新难题

    A New Difficult Question to Internation Droping Control and the Olympics

  7. 兴奋剂检测芯片的设计原理与技术研究

    Design and preparation of the protein chip for doping detection

  8. 在平昌奥运会期间,有2名俄罗斯运动员未能通过兴奋剂检测。

    During the Pyeongchang Games , two Russian athletes failed drugs tests .

  9. 液相色谱单四极杆质谱联用仪在2008年北京奥运会兴奋剂检测中的应用

    Application of LC / MS-Quadrupole Technique in Doping Control at 2008 Beijing Olympic Games

  10. 高效毛细管电泳在兴奋剂检测中的应用进展

    Development in Doping Control by Capillary Electrophoresis

  11. 兴奋剂检测在对待这两类激素的策略上有着本质的区别。

    The strategies on the detection of these 2 types of steroids are totally different .

  12. 分析化学与兴奋剂检测

    Analytical Chemistry and Doping Control

  13. 这又给国际兴奋剂检测与奥林匹克运动平添了一个新难题。

    That 's a new difficult question that Inter-nation Droping Control and the Olympics have to face .

  14. 但这毕竟不是国际奥委会兴奋剂检测中心所列的违禁药物。

    But these tradtonal chinese medicines aren 't contraband medicines that International Olympic Committle Droping Control Center had la-belled .

  15. 俄罗斯田径协会也表示,凡此次兴奋剂检测为阳性的运动员将不准前往里约。

    The Russian Athletics Federation said any athlete found to have used doping in previous years would not go to Rio .

  16. 1990年8月,我厂产品被十一届北京亚运会兴奋剂检测中心选为专用检测仪器。

    October 1990 , our products were selected as the special detecting instrument by the 11th Peking Asian Games Stimulant Test Center .

  17. 自从1968年墨西哥奥运会上第一次实行兴奋剂检测以来,很多运动员被查出有欺诈行为。

    Since the first drugs test was carried out at the 1968 Olympics in Mexico City , many cheats have been caught out .

  18. 由于兴奋剂检测水平的低下,兴奋剂基因技术已经严重威胁着奥林匹克运动发展。

    Due to the low level of doping control , doping gene technology has been a serious threat to the development of the Olympic movement .

  19. 介绍了采用生物芯片技术进行兴奋剂检测的理论和实验结果。针对兴奋剂在人体内的作用本质,提出了基于受体结合原理的蛋白质芯片检测策略,建立了受体芯片的制备方法。

    In order to establish a novel method for detection of doping , a protein chip was designed and prepared based on the pharmacological theory of receptor-ligand binding .

  20. 尽管如此,国际奥委会周三表示,已解除对俄罗斯奥委会的禁令,原因是在平昌奥运会期间没有发现更多俄罗斯运动员未通过兴奋剂检测的案例。

    Despite this , the IOC said on Wednesday that it has lifted its ban on the ROC , because no further failed drugs tests were detected during the Pyeongchang games .

  21. 北京2008年奥运会的官方猪肉供应商将在秘密地点以有机方式饲养生猪,为运动员提供安全猪肉,确保他们不会因为吃肉而无法通过兴奋剂检测。

    The official pork supplier to the 2008 Beijing Olympics is to rear organically-fed pigs at secret locations to provide athletes with safe meat guaranteed not to cause them to fail doping tests .

  22. 完善兴奋剂检测手段,开发新技术,提高兴奋剂检测能力,满足奥运会对兴奋剂检测的需要;

    ¤ doping control technologies will be further improved , new technology developed , and doping testing ability raised , so as to satisfy the needs for doping control during the Olympic Games .

  23. 国际奥组委称,朝鲜选手金荣洙在正在进行的北京奥运会的兴奋剂检测中呈阳性。

    Kim Jong-su of the Democratic People 's Republic of Korea ( DPRK ) has tested positive for doping at the ongoing Beijing Olympic Games , the International Olympic Committee ( IOC ) said .

  24. 正是这种保健品导致他未能通过兴奋剂检测,而他本人并不知道维生素片里有类固醇。

    Vencill argued , a multivitamin that he took contained banned steroids , it was the supplement that caused him to fail the test , and that he didn 't know the capsules contained drugs .

  25. 千禧鹤发言人牛胜难表示,在生猪喂养中使用生长激素,在中国很常见,但可想而知,食用这种方式生产的猪肉可能会让运动员无法通过兴奋剂检测。

    Niu shengnan , a Qianxihe spokesman , said the use of growth hormones in pig-rearing was standard in china , but eating meat produced this way could conceivably cause competitors to fail anti-doping tests .

  26. 通过兴奋剂检测相关技术的研究,研制开发准确、便捷的兴奋剂检测仪器和设备,满足奥运会兴奋剂检测要求。

    Through the study of relevant technique of detection of doping agency we shall develop a precise convenient detector for doping agency and other equipment to meet the requirement for the Olympics to detect doping agency .

  27. 国家运动医学研究所中国兴奋剂检测中心拥有最先进的仪器设备和大批经验丰富的专业人员,可确保世界大运会比赛的公平和公正。

    China An-ti-doping inspection center of Nation-al Sports Medicine Institute possesses the most advanced apparatuses and equipment as well as a great number of experienced professionals , capable of ensuring justness and fairness of the universiade .

  28. 1998年,怀疑者的说法得到了证实。4位中国游泳运动员在参加澳大利亚世界锦标赛前,未能通过赛前兴奋剂检测,一名队员及其教练在悉尼机场被查出携带了13瓶生长激素。

    Sceptics were vindicated when , in 1998 , four Chinese swimmers failed pre-competition doping tests ahead of the world championships in Australia , while a team-mate and her coach were caught with 13 vials of a muscle-building agent at Sydney airport .

  29. 去年,科勋爵的前任、国际田联主席拉明·迪亚克和其他五名官员被判四年监禁,罪名是收受贿赂,隐瞒兴奋剂检测结果呈阳性。

    Last year Lamine Diack , Lord Coe 's predecessor as the head of World Athletics ( then known as the International Association of Athletics Federations ) was given a four-year prison sentence for taking bribes to hush up positive doping tests , as were five other officials .

  30. 动物源食品中β-兴奋剂残留物检测技术的进展评述

    Progress of techniques of detection for β - agonist residues in foodstuffs sourced from animal meats