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  1. 如有任何查询,欢迎兴本公司联络。

    Further enquiries about the company are much welcomed .

  2. 完善森林保护立法是防灾兴利之本

    To Perfect the Legislation of Forest Law is Strategical in Preventing Floods and Benefiting the People

  3. 人才是建军兴军之本。建设信息化军队,打赢信息化战争,关键在人才。

    Talents are the basis of building and developing the army and also the key to building the informationized army and winning modern wars .

  4. 军校是培养军队人才的主渠道,军校大学生是高素质新型军事人才的后备军,人才是制胜之本,也是兴军之本。

    Military academies are the main channel of training military talent . Students of military academy are the reserve forces of " the new high-quality military talent " . Talent is the foundation of victory and also the basis of army development .

  5. 人才是兴军之本,是军事资源中最宝贵的资源,在推进信息化建设、实现跨越式发展的历史进程中,我军比任何时候都更需要大批杰出的人才脱颖而出。

    Talents are fundamental to flourish the Army , and the most valuable resources of the military resources . During the historical process of promoting the information construction and achieving rapid development , more than ever , our army needs a large number of outstanding talented people to stand out .