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  1. 凭直觉行事,善于照顾他人且直抒胸怀。

    who 's very intuitive and who 's very nurturing and emotionally expressive .

  2. 不过菲尔·邓菲可不是那种直抒胸意的人

    But Phil Dunphy is no straight guy .

  3. 不过,有时很难做到直抒历史与词语历史的平衡。

    A balance between straight history and word history is sometimes difficult to strike , though .

  4. 自从多萝西娅订婚后、西莉亚变得胆大了些、敢对她直抒已见了。

    Celia had become less afraid of " saying things " to Dorothea since this engagement .

  5. 这篇文章的视角独特,秉笔直抒,入木三分,一气呵成。

    The view point of this article is unique , and its description is direct and penetrating at one time .

  6. 尖锐、直抒、炽烈与含蓄、旁征、冷静&谢冰莹与郁达夫同题散文《雨》较读

    The sharp vehement style and the calm suggestive style & The comparison of the same titled proses The Rain by Xie Bing Ying and Yu Da Fu