- 网络qiangtang block

During the Indosinian movement , the directions of the major tectonic stress fields are along NW-SE , NNE-SSW and SN , which were basically resulted from the collision between the Qiangtang block , a part of the Tethyan dynamic system , and the Eurasian plate .
The Qiangtang block , the Lhasa block , the Himalayan block and the Indian plate drift northward and combine with the Eurasian continent , which are the main power sources of formation and evolution of the northern margin of Qaidam Basin .
Information model of construction machinery CAID On Structural Anisotropism of the Qiangtang Massif and Deep Information
This paper reports the petrological and geochemical characteristics of Permian alkaline and tholeiitic basalts in the Shuanghu Area , central Qiangtang Block .
Based on synthetic analysis of recent geological and geophysical data ( mainly from MT survey ) and the comparison of the structural features between the west and east composite profiles , the authors have found very obvious anisotropic features of the structure in the Qiangtang massif .