
  • 网络Ancient oil reservoir;fossil oil reservoir
  1. 中国南方古生界海相高成熟(Ro值大于1.3%)、过成熟(Ro值大于2%)烃源岩的分布很广,其中古油藏沥青和油苗十分丰富。

    The high and over matured marine source rocks , with vitrinite reflectance value ( R_o ) over ( 1.3 % ) and 2 % , respectively , widely developed in South China , in which abundant paleo-oil traps and oil showing have been found .

  2. 根据天然气组分、储集层沥青以及成藏地质条件分析,天然气主要来源于古油藏原油裂解,为富含H2S的干气,H2S的形成与硫酸盐岩热化学还原作用有关。

    The natural gas is the dry gas with high content of H_ ( 2 ) S , and mainly comes from the cracking of foregone pool . The high content of H_ ( 2 ) S in gas component is contributed to the thermochemical sulfate reduction .

  3. 对古油藏进行调整和改造,使其遭受破坏或形成次生油气藏。

    Adjusting and reforming paleo pools to form secondary hydrocarbon pools .

  4. 中国南方古油藏与油气评价

    The Destroyed Oil Pools in South China and Hydrocarbon Prospecting

  5. 贵州东部若干古油藏的形成和破坏

    The Formation and Destruction of Palaeo-Oil-Reservoirs in the East of Guizhou Province

  6. 固体沥青是第一次油气运移聚集成古油藏的产物;

    The solid bitumen is product of the first hydrocarbon migration and accumulation .

  7. 古油藏、沥青及沥青包裹体在金属成矿研究中的应用

    The role of ancient oil reservoirs , bitumens and bitumen inclusions in metallogenetic research

  8. 因此,加强古油藏的研究对于指导研究区下古油气勘探具有重要的现实意义。

    So it is nessary and important to strengthen research of paleo-reservoir for exploration in Palaeozoic .

  9. 利用油包裹体丰度识别古油藏和限定成藏方式

    To Identify Paleo-Oil Reservoir and to Constrain Petroleum Charging Model Using the Abundance of Oil Inclusions

  10. 麻江古油藏原生水晶中固体沥青包裹体的发现及地质意义

    Discovery of Solid Bitumen Inclusions in Authigenic Rock Crystals in Majiang Paleo-oil Reservior and Its Geological Significance

  11. 孔雀河地区油气源主要为早期古油藏裂解气。

    The hydrocarbon source mainly came from the early paleo-oil pools pyrolysis gas in the Kongquehe area .

  12. 丹寨汞金矿床卤素元素与古油藏关系探讨

    A discussion of the relation between halogen elements of Danzhai mercury - gold deposit and Palaeo-Oil pool

  13. 主要的勘探方向应注意寻找保存条件较好的正常充注、破坏程度较弱的古油藏。

    The main petroleum exploratory direction should be the pools which have formal accumulation and poor destruction .

  14. 前陆隆起区曾经有过石油和天然气的聚集与成藏,先后形成了古油藏、古气藏。

    In foreland uplift area , there have been hydrocarbon gathering and accumulation , and has formed paleo-reservoir and paleo-gas-reservoir .

  15. 燕山&喜山期大幅度的抬升剥蚀使气藏被破坏形成了麻江古油藏。山西兴县奥陶系碳酸盐岩岩溶储层特征

    Reservoir bed are karsts carbonate rock of Ordovician Honghuayuan . CHARACTERISTICS OF ORDOVICIAN CARBONATE KARST RESERVOIR IN XINGXIAN , SHANXI

  16. 贵阳乌当二叠系茅口组白云岩型古油藏的初步观察与研究陕北石油秩序

    Preliminary observation and Study on the old oil pool of DOLOMITIC-TYPE for the Permian Maokou Formation in Wudang of Guiyang

  17. 右江盆地裂陷期和坳陷早期的沉积物提供研究区金矿与古油藏的物质与流体。

    The sediments deposited in the rifting and the early depression stages provided materials and fluids for ancient oil reservoirs and ore deposits .

  18. 为了了解南方海相古油藏特征及其成藏期次,对金沙岩孔古油藏进行了系统的解剖。

    To identify features of Southern marine paleo-oil reservoirs and their hydrocarbon accumulation period , the Jinsha Yankong paleo-oil reservoir was systematically dissected .

  19. 油包裹体丰度是确定古油藏的重要参数,统计结果受多种因素影响。

    Petroleum inclusion abundance ( GOI ) is an important parameter for locating the petroleum reservoirs , though it is affected by many factors .

  20. 古油藏的存在说明,在地质历史上这些地区曾存在大规模的油气运移及聚集,尽管这些油藏后来遭受了明显的破坏。

    The existence of these paleo-oil reservoirs demonstrate that there was large-scale oil-gas accumulation and migration in geological history , but later suffered destruction .

  21. 认为本区志留系油气勘探应以寻找古油藏为主,古构造稳定发育区、非构造圈闭发育带、盖层发育带是油气勘探的优选区域。

    Main target of oil-gas exploration in Silurian should aim at ancient reservoirs , stable area of ancient structures , non-structural traps and cap-growing belt .

  22. 古油藏的储集层均为生物礁滩灰岩,沥青的主要储集空间以洞、缝为主,其次为基质孔隙和生物体腔内。

    Reservoir of paleo-oil is mainly bioherm limestone . Bitumen mainly occurs in cavities and fractures , and also in matrix pores and biological coelomata .

  23. 根据油&岩地球化学特征,分析并确定,古油藏带主要来源于下侏罗统烃源岩。

    The organic geochemistry characters of oil-source rocks show that oil and gas of the fossil-reservior come mainly from the hydrocarbon rock in the lower Jurassic .

  24. 贵州紫云石头寨二叠系生物礁型古油藏是滇黔桂地区上古生界生物礁型古油藏的典型代表。

    The Shitouzhai Permian paleo-oil reservoir in Guizhou province is a typical example of numerous Upper Paleozoic reef-type paleo-oil reservoirs in the Yunnan , Guizhou and Guangxi region .

  25. 但我们对燕山期陆内构造变形的特征,古油藏的破坏和保存规律,以及陆内构造演化的动力机制的认识还尚未透彻。

    However , our knowledge to the nature of intracontinental tectonic deformation , destroy and preservation of paleo-reservoir , and the mechanism of intracontinental tectonic evolution is quite incomplete .

  26. 盘龙洞生物礁是目前所发现的川东北地区最具特色的长兴组二叠系生物礁,其生物礁古油藏是此类型古油气藏的典型代表。

    Panlongdong organic reefs is the most typical Permian reefs of Changxing Formation in northeastern Sichuan , and its paleo-reservoir is the typical representation of this kind of reservoirs .

  27. 右江盆地微细浸染型金矿与古油藏均产于二叠纪生物礁的核部或侧翼。

    The genesis of the Carlin type gold deposits in the Youjiang basin , South China , has a close relationship with the evolution of the ancient oil reservoirs .

  28. 塔参1井在第一期油气充注过程中曾形成过较大的古油藏,而晚期充注过程中则未聚集成藏。

    In the 1st sub-member in Tacan 1 well area , a large pool came into being in the first oil accumulation stage , but without oil charging in later stages .

  29. 分析了气藏的形成过程,认为可划分为古油藏阶段、大气藏阶段、古气藏调整定型阶段等三个阶段。

    By analysis of the process of gas reservoir forming , it is considered the process is classified into three phases : paleo-oil reservoir , large scale reservoir and paleo-gas reservoir reforming .

  30. 并通过对沥青充填期次、包裹体研究和胶结物期次与沥青的关系,研究了古油藏经历的多期次充注、破坏过程,据此初步建立了南盘江盆地古油藏演化模式。

    According to bitumen filling periods , inclusion enclave analysis and relationship between bitumen and cementing matter in different generations , the multi-stage process of oil reservoir formation and destruction were studied .