
  1. 介绍了设置集油坑排污管及库区沟网排水回收油脂系统的原理、方法、效果。

    Introduced to plan an oil sump and sewer in the tanks and to design a sewerage system and recovery system of oils in the bulking area .

  2. 阳明山国家公园紧临台北都会区,是台北市的后花园,拥有温泉、大小油坑的硫磺喷气孔、地热与火山口湖等火山地貌。

    Taipei 's backyard , Yangmingshan is a lush green mountain area generously endowed with hot springs , fumaroles and other signs of the local volcanic geology .

  3. 最后,对落地油土地污染治理方面,提出油坑原油回收、污染土层燃烧处理和换土复垦等措施。

    At the end of this paper , the measures of harnessing land pollution , such as petroleum reclamation on oil pit , polluted soil burn and changing soil reclamation , etc. are proposed .

  4. 该挤压模型假定阻尼力与油粘度和轮齿曲面油膜的延展有关,而这种延展又取决于润滑条件(干聚油坑,飞溅,浸浴)。

    The squeeze model assumes that the damping force is proportional to the oil viscosity and to the extension of the oil film in the plane of curvature of the teeth , which may depend on the lubrication conditions ( dry sump , splash , bath ) .