
yóu gǎng
  • oil port
油港[yóu gǎng]
  1. 多层次灰色综合安全评价法在油港储运中的应用

    Safety Assessment of the Oil Port Based on Grey Hierarchy Evaluation Method

  2. 油港在石油化工品运输、储存中起着至关重要的承接作用。

    Oil port plays a vital role in oil transfer , transportation and storage .

  3. 通过对国内外管道仿真软件的调查、研究,探讨了适用于某油港的基于SCADA的油码头管道输送仿真系统,进而选用了HoneywellPKS软件作为该系统的仿真平台。

    Under the researching and investigation , the thesis discussed the simulation system of piping transportation based on SCADA and chose the software of Honeywell PKS to be the simulation platform .

  4. 板桩码头在黄河油港的实践

    The application practice of pland piles dock in Huanghe Oil Harbor

  5. 化学品蒸汽扩散模式及在油港的应用

    Chemical Vapor Emission Models & Its Application in Oil Terminals

  6. 秦皇岛油港供热系统的改造

    Modification of Heat Supply System in Qinhuangdao Oil Jetty

  7. 以某油港为模型,开发了一套可视化油港工艺流程管理系统。

    Researches of the Development Planning and Management on Siergou Oil Port in Dalian ;

  8. 论战后意大利政府在南部开发中的作用意大利热那亚油港

    On the role of postwar Italian government in the development of the South Italy

  9. 石油运输市场分析及我国北方油港发展战略

    Analysis on Oil Transport Market and Developing Strategy of Oil Port in North China

  10. 从泥沙角度分析绥中油港码头海域波浪条件

    An Analysis to the Wave Conditions of Suizhong Oil Terminal Sea Area from the View of Sediment

  11. 神仙沟(桩11)建油港的冲淤问题

    The scour and siltation problems in shenxiongou ( pile 11 ) beach area of planned oil docks

  12. 秦皇岛油港调度指挥控制及信息系统建设构想

    Construction of Dispatch , Commanding , Controlling , and Information System for Oil Harbor of Qinhuangdao Port

  13. 星期四,利比亚军机向重要油港布雷加发动袭击。

    On Thursday , Libyan warplanes launched strikes against the rebel-held city of Brega , a key oil port .

  14. 黄河三角洲的变迁与黄河口油港港址的选择

    Yellow River Delta Evolution in the Last Century and Selection of Site of Oil Dock at the Estuary of Yellow River

  15. 宁波港集团油港轮驳有限公司船舶安全考核体系的探讨

    Probe into the Ship Security Check System of Ningbo Port Group Oil Hanging & Tug ( Bagge ) Co , . Ltd

  16. 据报导,支持与反对卡扎菲的部队也在利比亚东部的油港拉斯拉努夫发生冲突。

    Clashes were also said to have erupted between pro and anti-Gadhafi forces in the the eastern oil port of Ras Lanuf .

  17. 在设计过程中先对输送仿真系统和某油港的情况以及其作业情况进行了探讨,接着对所用到的开发平台和工具进行了研究,最后对系统的功能模块进行设计。

    In process of design , the thesis has made an introduction with simulation system of piping transportation and the circs of Oil harbor .

  18. 黄河河口流路是决定油港港址的关键,尽管有河口流路安排这个不定因素。

    The key of the question is that the site of oil dock is determined by the flow couorse at the estuary of Yellow River .

  19. 从战略角度为我国油港的建设和发展提供了方案,具有借鉴和指导意义。

    There 's much to use for reference and guide in the plans raised for oil port construction and development in China , from the strategic point of view .

  20. 介绍了建筑黄河油港,采用板进结构码头设计工艺和施工技术,码头建成投产至今,经历了百年一遇强台风考验,为在淤泥质开敞海底建设板桩码头取得了成功经验。

    The design and construction technology of pland piles structure dock in Huanghe Oil Harbor are introduced , and a wide vista is provided for mud sediment open sea harbor works .

  21. 石油运输市场是国际航运市场的重要组成部分,油港作为油品运输的枢纽和对外贸易的窗口,在经济发展中起着举足轻重的作用。

    Oil transport market is a main component of the international shipping market . As the hub of oil transportation and window of international trade , oil port plays a decisive role in economy developing .

  22. 为保证油港安全运行,有必要建立设备故障处理机制,排查设备早期故障,为设备突发故障提供维修依据。

    To ensure the safe operation of the oil port , mechanisms for dealing with the breakdown of equipment have to be established , which are used to diagnose infancy failure and provided technical advice for sudden failure of equipments .

  23. 该文在对油港企业进行功能分析的基础上,给出了秦皇岛油港智能化调度指挥、控制及信息系统的设计原则,并提出了详细的设计方案,为过程企业信息化建设提供了有益的探索。

    Basing on the function analysis of oil harbor , the author prospects the principle of design , and the plans of the intellectualization of the dispatch commanding , controlling and information system . The author explores a method for the e-manufacture of process enterprise .