
  1. 油气探明储量的价值分级模型设计

    A model of value classification of oil / gas proved reserves

  2. 而油气探明储量增长趋势预测研究是油公司制定合理增加储量与产量、勘探与开发战略的基础。

    Prediction study of the proven oil and gas reserves growth trend is the basis for the oil companies to formulate the strategies for reasonable increase of the reserves and production as well as exploration and development .

  3. 油气探明储量是勘探阶段的最终成果,又是编制开发方案和油田建设投资决策的重要依据,因此探明储量精度是勘探头等重要的大事。

    Proved hydrocarbon reserve is the ultimate results in exploration stage and the important basis for making development plan and decision of field construction investment . Therefore , the accuracy of proven reserves is of the most importance in exploration .

  4. 要尽快实现碳酸盐岩油气探明储量的快速增长,缓解国内油气资源供需矛盾,必须加强碳酸盐岩油气富集与分布规律的理论研究和勘探技术攻关。

    In order to discover more petroleum in carbonate strata and to lighten the conflict of supply and demand of petroleum resources , research on theories of the laws of the petroleum distribution and exploration technologies in marine carbonate basin should be strengthened .

  5. 中国碳酸盐岩油气藏探明储量分布特征据估计,北美的碳酸盐岩油气藏有一半是在白云岩内。

    Distribution Features of Proved Reserves of Carbonate Oil and Gas Pools in China It is estimated that about half of the carbonate oil and gas reservoirs in North America are in dolomite .

  6. 有效开发深部致密层天然气藏、复杂断块致密油气藏新增探明储量的相关技术;

    Related techniques for effective development of newly incremental proved reserves in deep tight natural gas reservoir and complex fault block oil and gas reservoirs ;

  7. 松辽盆地南部蕴藏着丰富的油气资源,目前探明储量主要集中在泉三段至嫩江组中浅层储层。

    The proven reserves mainly concentrate in the middle-shallow layer of the third member of Quantou formation to Nenjiang formation at present .

  8. 碳酸盐岩在沉积岩中虽然占有量不大,但却蕴藏着很大油气储量,是增加油气探明储量的重要的勘探对象。

    Although the carbonate rocks have small in the possession of small sedimentary rocks , it has large reserves of oil and gas , and is important to increase the reserves of oil and gas exploration targets .

  9. 碳酸盐岩地层是重要的油气勘探开发领域,世界油气探明储量的50%以上及产量的60%以上都存在于碳酸盐岩储层中。

    Carbonate formation is an important target to oil and gas exploration , and over 50 % of proved reserves and 60 % of production in the world are stored in there .

  10. 酸压改造工艺技术不仅是碳酸盐岩油气藏增产和稳产的主导技术,而且已经成为勘探开发油气或探明储量不可缺少的重要手段。

    Acid fracturing technology is not only the main one to increase oil and gas production and make stable yields in carbonate reservoirs but an important measure in oil and gas exploration and exploitation .