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  • 网络Tanker;OIL TANK;Fuel Truck
油车 [yóu chē]
  • [tanker] 装有一个箱柜或罐子用以装载液体(如水、汽油、牛奶、化学品等)的运输车

  1. 而雇员驾驶的运油车的GPS记录则表明,就在当天,雇员在驾驶运油车期间共打了9个电话或短信,对此,雇员也承认了。

    The GPS report for the tanker driven by the employee showed that , on the same day , the employee had made nine calls or texts while driving the tanker , which the employee admitted to .

  2. 对了,大伟,我要开外面那辆PetroChem油车往西边走,大概四十五分钟的车程吧。

    Well , Davy , I 'm driving that Petro Chem tanker out there and I 'm headed west in about forty-five minutes .

  3. 这种油车看起来才气派一些!正在给DA42加油。

    I think the fuel truck which is refueling DA42 is really a fuel truck !

  4. 较详细地介绍了采用通用底盘构成井下无轨辅助车辆的优越性,WG-2型油车与WF-2型维修车的结构和工艺特点以及与铲运机、凿岩台车配套使用情况。

    This piece introduces in a bit detail the advantages of underground trackless auxiliary vehicles constructed with universal chassis , the structural characteristics of the model WG-2 oil ejecting vehicle and model WF-2 maintenance vehicle . The operation state when assisting LHDs and drill jumbos is concerned also .

  5. 我现在知道了,这里不是油车水镇。

    I know that now . This ain 't Radiator Springs .

  6. 听着,这里不是油车水镇。

    McQUEEN : Listen , this isn 't Radiator Springs .

  7. 油车水镇汽车大奖赛即将开始。

    The Radiator Springs Grand Prix is about to begin .

  8. 适用于大中型水电站的滤油车的研制

    Development of the Shifting Oil Filter for a Large-mid Hydraulic Power Station

  9. 这里跟油车水镇一点也不一样。

    This ain 't nothing at all like Radiator Springs .

  10. 论发展捞油车的现实意义

    Practical Importance of Developing the Special Truck For Producing Oil

  11. 听着,这里不是油车水镇。-

    Listen , this isn 't Radiator Springs . -

  12. 巴基斯坦民兵烧毁北约运油车。

    Militants burn NATO fuel tankers in Pakistan .

  13. 捞油车自动排绳控制装置

    Automatic rope arranging device for oil dredge vehicle

  14. 捞油车气动控制系统

    Penumatic Control System of Trailer Mounted Pumping Units

  15. 敌人的油车着了火,引起了一连串的爆炸。

    The enemy tank car caught fire and set off a chain of explosions .

  16. 大功率电加热稠油捞油车的研制与应用

    Development and application of high-power electric heating trailer mounted pumping unit for heavy oil recovery

  17. 该油车司机为避开一辆小轿车,转而撞向了防护栏。

    The driver of the fuel tanker swerved to avoid a car and crashed into a guardrail .

  18. 还可用于解堵作业,明显改善油井工况。开发应用捞油车,投资少,成本低。

    And it can also be used in broken down operation for improving the working conditions of oil wells .

  19. 南汇乡、油车港镇、王店镇、新膛镇也分别举行。

    Nanhui Township , oil truck town , Wang Dian , the new chamber were also held in the town .

  20. 通过对合成油车间的现状调查,分析了在线黏度分析仪改造的可行性;

    A feasibility analysis of renovation of the on-line viscometer is made by surveying the present state of a synthetic oil plant .

  21. 女王陛下,请允许我将大英帝国的荣誉骑士勋章授予来自油车水镇的拖车脱线。

    Your Majesty , may I present for the investiture of honorary knighthood of the British Realm ... Tow Mater of Radiator Springs .

  22. 现场应用表明,这种抽油车结构设计合理,尤其是采用了前支承式伸缩井架,操纵装置集中于驾驶室内,方便了现场安装及操作。

    Through field application , the result shows that the structural design of pumping truck is rational , field mounting and operation are conveniently .

  23. 该雇员在驾驶雇主的运油车时被看到使用手机,他由于严重不端行为而被解雇。

    The employee had been dismissed for serious misconduct when he was observed using a mobile phone while driving the employer 's fuel tanker .

  24. 本系列的滤油车设备都设有单级精滤与双几串联精滤两种规格。

    The series filtering paints vehicle equipment setting up have the single stage filters accurate and several pair of cascades filter accurate two kinds specification .

  25. 北约承诺对在阿富汗北部昆都士省发生的空袭两辆运油车事件进行全面调查,此次袭击造成多达90人被杀。

    Nato has promised a full investigation into an air strike on two fuel tankers that killed up to90 people in Afghanistan 's northern Kunduz province .

  26. 这次行程我带上了我的朋友脱线一起,我告诉他得注意言行举止,毕竟我们不是在油车水镇。

    I brought my friend Mater along on the trip and I told him he needed to act different , that we weren 't in Radiator Springs .

  27. 本文从流量测量电路的工作原理入手,叙述了舰面液压油车流量测量电路的研制情况,供有关人员参考。

    Development of flow-measuring circuits on the ship-surface hydraulic oil vehicle for reference to concerning personnels on the basis of principle of flow-measuring circuits is written in the paper .

  28. 通过对油车加油过程的研究,分析了排队系统的数学特性,基于事件调度法建立了系统的仿真模型并给出了实际算例。

    In the progress of studying fueling by fuel vehicle , the paper analyzes the mathematical characteristic , establishes the simulation model based on the event scheduling and gives an actual calculation example .

  29. 最基本的组合包括一辆或多辆燃料油车,一个供应推动力的压缩气汽缸,及一个可引燃喷射出的燃料的扳动喷射口。

    It consists of one or more fuel tanks , a cylinder of compressed gas to supply the propelling force , and a flexible hose with a trigger-nozzle that ignites and sprays the fuel .

  30. 尽快制定相关标准,筛选适合工艺要求的汽车底盘,降低井架自重并提高其承载能力等,是规模生产捞油车亟待解决的主要问题。

    The important problems demanding prompt solution in manufacturing trailer mounted pumping units on a large scale include working out relevant standards as soon as possible , selecting proper trailer chassis , decreasing the deadweight of the mast and improving its load capacity .