
  • 网络plug;PO-ATEX
  1. 注油时,将油塞旋下,注油毕,再将油塞旋上拧紧。

    Screw out the oil plug while filling , and screw down as finished .

  2. 拆卸机油滤清器盖上的放油塞并排空机油滤清器。

    Remove oil drain plug on oil filter cover and drain the oil filter .

  3. 拧下检油塞后务必要避免机油泄漏。

    Always avoid oil leaks after unscrewing the oil inspection plug .

  4. 松开曲轴箱上的放油塞。

    Undo oil drain plug on the crankcase .

  5. 注油塞/放油塞和标记位置

    Fill / Drain Plug And Tag Locations

  6. 放油塞/倒车灯开关位置

    Drain Plug / Backup Light Switch Location

  7. 在这个位置连接油压计。注油塞/放油塞和标记位置

    CONNECT AN OIL PRESSURE GAUGE IN ITS PLACE . Fill / Drain Plug And Tag Locations

  8. 放油塞/倒车灯开关位置将灯泡固定于灯上并卡入定位。

    Drain Plug / Backup Light Switch Location Position bulb in lamp and snap into place .

  9. 焊接夹具结构装配时,必须保证放油塞座定位块中心与立式微型直流减速电动机旋转中心一致,这样才能保证焊接夹具在大批量生产时正常使用保证焊接质量和焊接速度。

    While assembling the jig , it is needed to align the center of locating block with the rotating center of micro-vertical DC decelerating electrical generator in order to guarantee the welding efficacy and quality when it is used for production in batch .

  10. 高质量浓度聚合物驱油中段塞的优选

    Optimization of reasonable polymer slug volume of high-concentration polymer flooding QUALITY

  11. 单井化学示踪剂测残余油饱和度段塞解释模型

    Plug interpretation model for single well chemical tracer measuring residual oil saturation

  12. 拧紧新的自动变速箱油放油塞。

    Tighten new ATF oil drain plug .

  13. 换机油,油滤,火花塞。

    Change oil , oil filter , spark plug .

  14. 为达到提高油水井打水泥塞施工有效率目的,采用在油水井水泥中加入添加剂来减少水泥浆稠化凝固后的体积收缩量及消除水泥塞裂缝。

    In order to solve the volume contraction after cement slurry curing and preclude cement plug fracture , a new oil well cement additive is developed and optimized .

  15. 介绍了油气井电缆桥塞用Ⅰ号火药驱动装置的主要技术指标、工作原理;

    In this paper , the main technical parameters and work principle of the Model ⅰ powder actuator used in electric cable bridge plugs for oil and gas wells are introduced .

  16. 移除油底壳放油塞,放油到一个干净桶内,持续30分钟。

    Remove the sump plug fitting , drain oil to a clean bucket for30 minutes .

  17. 油底壳放油塞座焊接夹具设计和装配要点

    Important Points on Design and the Assembly of Welding Jig for Oil Drain Plug Seat in Oil Sump