
The Reduce and Improvement Nodal Method of Two Pattern
The second family of graphs is θ( 1 , b , c , d ) .
For the non-bipartite graphs , weakly s-arc transitivity is equivalent to s-arc transitivity ;
Minimum Integrity of Graphs MINIMUM DEGREE FOR f FACTOR
Every UML diagram belongs to one these two diagram categories .
Maximal Packing and Minimal Covering of the Complete Bipartite Graph K_ ( m , n ) with C_8 ;
Partition problems of bipartite graphs
Research on a Type of ( g , f ) - 2-Covered Graphs Based on Bipartite Graphs
The circuit uniqueness of the complete bipartite graph Km , n is also proved by using spectral method .
On ( g , f ) - deleted and ( g , f ) - 2-deleted bipartite graphs
| V | - K_ ( 1 , m ) partition problems of bipartite graphs were considered .
Some results are presented which related fault-tolerance degrees of a multibus system with the connectivity of the bipartite graph induced by the system .
You can use this programme to make backgrounds for your USB thumb drives like the second image .
The optimal k-clique partition of complete k-uniform hypergraphs is introduced as a generalization of the optimal complete bipartite decomposition of complete graphs .
This paper gives a new2-D graphical representation of DNA proving that the representation is not degen-eratod , and providing a new calculating method of resemblance .
The first graph is for a Windows NT system , and the second is for an RS / 6000 system .
In this paper , we investigate the degrees condition which implies that a balanced bipartite graph has a 2-factor with exactly k vertex-disjoint large cycles .
In this paper , a dynamic skeleton algorithm for binary images is presented by combining with thinning method and Snake model technique .
The complete bipartite graph Km 1 , m2 , product Km × Kn and sum Km + Kn are discussed here .
In this paper , the necessary condition for the existence of a P2k + 1 & factorization of Km , n is given . Two cases of sufficient conditions are discussed .
The compound binary graph based on the activities in process 's Petri network provided an instructional formwork for scientific and logical global decision-making from the point of view of virtual realism .
The express of the Ladder Diagram which uses the model based on the Binary diagram can complete the operation about insert , delete and amend of the editor of Soft PLC , and also provide handy algorithms .
This paper give the recursive algorithm for tracing back . It can find out the all complete matching of a bipartite graph .
This method effectively avoids the complex computing on images enhancing , ROI positioning and palm-print image binaryzation in traditional methods and tracks principal lines on gray level image directly .
To the useful image frame we get , then we separate the hand area based on H value of HSV model according to clustering character of H value of human skin color , and get the binary image .
Behind seting forth Bipartite Graph and Matching , this article describe some algorithm to distinguish Undigraph whether it is Bipartite Graph and how to explore maximal Matching and even complete Matching in the Bipartite Graph which has better worth on application of computer by language of similar C.
Orientation Bipartite Graph for RLC-Nullor Network and Topological Formula for the Return Difference
Lastly , the minimum permission reliability index is offered by the method of " calibration method " which makes back calculation out of the bending resistance reliability and the compression resistance reliability of the reinforced concrete member in norm . MINIMUM DEGREE FOR f FACTOR
In this paper , the factorization of a bipartite multigraph is investigated , and a sufficient condition for 4 K m , n to have a K_ ( 1,4 ) factorization is presented .
The main research work includes : 1 . In the aspect of object detection , an improved texture-based method using local binary patterns ( LBP ) for background subtraction is proposed .