
èr tāi
  • a second child;second pregnancy
  1. 对父母而言,是否要二胎是一个非常艰难的决定。

    It is most difficult for parents to decide whether to have a second child or not .

  2. 媒体强烈猜测碧昂斯和JayZ已怀二胎。

    There is strong speculation in the media that Beyonce Knowles and Jay Z are expecting their second child .

  3. 22个PKU家庭作了产前基因诊断,防止了第二胎患病胎儿的出生。

    Prenatal gene diagnosis of PKU risk foetus in 22 PKU families was successfully performed .

  4. 我有一个朋友正在考虑生二胎。

    A friend of mine is considering having a second child .

  5. 现在她怀第二胎已经八个月了。

    She is eight months pregnant with her second child .

  6. 但目前为止,申请生二胎的夫妇远远低于预期。

    Yet farfewer couples have applied to have a second child than expected .

  7. 现在泰勒太太正怀着第二胎。

    Now Mrs. Taylor was expecting another child .

  8. 让你知道你们的二胎抵押贷款已到期。

    To let you know that the second mortgage is coming due on your house .

  9. 另一个趋势就是现在人们对二胎,三胎等的孩子的迎婴派对越来越冷淡,甚至心有抱怨了。

    Another emerging trend that some people find irksome is multiple showers for subsequent babies .

  10. 【结论】关于病残二胎生育间隔的政策有待修改。

    [ Conclusions ] The procreate interval regulation of policy in handicapped needs to be revised .

  11. 她第二胎孩子生下时就是死的。

    Her second child was stillborn .

  12. 二胎政策调整之说由来已久。

    Two-child policy adjustment that long-standing .

  13. 57%获准生育二胎的女性年龄在31岁到35岁之间。

    Of the potential mothers , 57 percent were aged between 31 and 35 years old .

  14. 此前,这一政策只允许城市夫妻二人都是独生子女才能生第二胎。

    The law had previously granted that concession to urban couples where both parents were only children .

  15. 这一影响在第一胎和第二胎孩子身上最为强烈,不过大家庭中有兄弟姐妹的孩子也会因此而收益。

    The effect was strongest between the first and second-born , but siblings in bigger families also benefited .

  16. 遗传病残儿家庭二胎100%出生正常。

    The children born in the family which have had a hereditary defect child are 100 % normal .

  17. 年轻人拒生二胎

    Young people say no

  18. 疟疾可以导致流产和低出生体重,尤其在第一胎和第二胎期间。

    Malaria can result in miscarriage and low birth weight , especially during the first and second pregnancies .

  19. 这个不生育的女人给他生了一个女儿,生第二胎的时候死掉了。

    This " barren " woman bore him a daughter and died giving birth to a second child .

  20. 农村缺劳力的困难户可以生第二胎,两胎间隔要在三年或三年以上。

    Shorthanded rural families with financial difficulties may have a second child after an interval of3 or more years .

  21. 英国皇家官方已经证实威廉王子与坎布里奇公爵夫人正准备生二胎。

    British royal officials have confirmed that Prince William and the Duchess of Cambridge are expecting their second child .

  22. 在2016年1月,中国进一步放宽了计划生育政策,允许所有夫妇可以生育二胎。

    China further relaxed the family planning policy in January 2016 , allowing all couples to have a second child .

  23. 上个月,政府放宽政策,允许非独生子女家庭也可以生二胎。

    The central government further relaxed the policy last month , allowing all couples in China to have two children .

  24. 这对夫妇还说,其中一些人到美国是为了生二胎。

    Some , the couple said , were giving birth to their second child to skirt China 's one-child policy .

  25. 如果第二胎是个女孩,人们往往就只能选择遗弃(甚至更糟)。

    If it was a girl instead , abandonment ( or worse ) was often seen as the only option .

  26. 头胎受胎率为100%,二胎受胎率为85.71%。

    Fecundation ratio of the first fetus of goat group account for 100 % , the second account for 85.71 % .

  27. 对第一胎病残儿父母再生育二胎时优生措施的探讨

    The Exploration of the Eugenic Measures Taken for the Parents of First Defect Child to Give Birth to the Sec-ond Child

  28. 对照组29个家庭有12个生育第二胎,仅1例进行产前诊断。

    Of 29 couples in control group , 12 had a second pregnancy , only 1 couple opted for prenatal diagnosis .

  29. 2013年,中国政府开始放开二胎,这是独生子女政策实施后30年首次改革。

    The ruling Communist Party started easing the one-child policy in 2013 , more than three decades after it was implemented .

  30. 之前,在中国的大部分城市地区,只有双独夫妻才能申请生二胎。

    Previously , a second child in most urban areas of China was restricted to parents who were both only children .