
  • 网络oil content
  1. 大豆DNA导入玉米后代植株蛋白质和油分的分析

    Analysis of Protein and Oil of Maize Offsprings Plants Introducing Soybean DNA

  2. 油菜油分、蛋白质和硫苷含量相关性分析及QTL定位

    Identification of Quantitative Trait Loci for Oil , Protein and Glucosinolate Content in Brassica napus

  3. 玉米籽粒油分QTL定位及其效应分析

    Mapping QTL for Kernel Oil Concentration and Analysis of Effect with High-oil Maize

  4. 玉米籽粒油分QTL定位及相关性状的分析

    Identification of QTL for Kernel Oil Content and Analysis of Related Traits in Maize

  5. 大豆不同杂交组合F2油分含量分布及其遗传变异

    Genetic variation of soybean oil content of different f_2 populations

  6. 利用5个油分含量不同的亲本配成5个组合,研究其F2&F5油分含量的遗传基因作用方式和遗传参数。

    Five crosses were made using five soybean parents with different oil content and the genetic behavior and parameters for oil content were investigated in the hybrid progenies of F2-F5 generations .

  7. 其中,有2个和4个油分QTL分别与宋秀芳研究中定位的F2、F3籽粒油分QTL具有相同或相似的染色体区段,分别占油分QTL总数的33%和67%;

    A total of two QTL and four QTL were consistent with QTL in F_2 and F_3 , accounting for 33 % and 67 % respectively .

  8. 与籽粒油分、蛋白质和淀粉含量相关的3个、0个和2个QTL基本不受其它性状的影响,可以实现单个QTL的分子聚合。

    And 2 QTL associated with oil and starch concentration were not affected by other characters , which could be pyramided in single QTL level .

  9. 流变性能分析表明,改性后沥青具有更好的弹性和更宽的温变范围;热分析表明,SBS吸收了沥青中的油分,改性后的沥青性能稳定。

    Theology properties analysis shows that the modified asphalt has better flexibility and a wider temperature change range , and thermal analysis shows that the modified asphalt has more stable performance .

  10. KC-2型油分监测仪及其微机系统

    The KC-2 Type Oily Concentration Monitor and Its Microprocessor-based System On the Mathematic Mode of Oil Separation

  11. 不同杂优模式品种油分积累对比,显示出全灌浆期油分平均积累效率以高油系×美杂杂优模式较高,Lancast-er×Reid较低。

    The oil content accumulation of different heterosis patterns maize varieties demonstrated that the accumulation efficiency of oil content of " High oil department × Meiza " is high in the whole grouting period , that of " Lancaster × Reid " is relatively low .

  12. 将东北三省初步划分为四个蛋白质、油分生态区:东北部蛋白质含量和油分含量平衡区;

    The balance region of protein and oil content in northeast ;

  13. 烟叶结构和油分的近红外光谱预测

    Prediction of Structure and Oil of Flue-cured Tobacco with Near-infrared Reflectance

  14. 海藻生长很快,有一些海藻含有很多油分。

    Algae grow quickly and some contain a lot of oils .

  15. 代换系1、2、4、6和17都与种子油分指数较低有关联。

    Lower seed oil index with substitution lines 1,2,4,6 and 17 ;

  16. 油菜种子油分形成的生理生化基础研究进展

    Study on Physiological and Biochemical Basis of Oil Forming in Rapeseed

  17. 玉米籽粒油分与蛋白质的相关及其通径分析

    The Correlation and Coefficient Between Analysis of Corn Seed Oil Protein

  18. 大豆蛋白质含量和油分含量遗传变异研究

    Genetic variability and selection for protein and oil content in Soybean

  19. 近红外单籽粒玉米油分无损测定仪器研制

    NIR Spectrometer for Non-Destruction Measurement of Oil Contents in an Corn Seed

  20. 栽培技术对大豆产量和品质(油分、蛋白质)的影响

    Effects of cultivation technique on quality and yield of soybean

  21. M型杂交大豆蛋白质和油分含量的初步分析

    Preliminary study of protein and oil contents of M type hybrid soybean

  22. 主要内容有:烤后原烟深黄、金黄色居多,结构疏松,油分多,色度强,化学成分含量适宜,比例协调。

    The content and ratio of the major chemical components were suitable .

  23. 它能彻底清洁你的皮肤,又不会去保护表皮的天然的油分。

    It cleans thoroughly without striping your natural protective oil .

  24. 油分的恒能量差同步荧光分析

    Analysis of oils by constant - energy synchronous fluorescence spectroscopy

  25. 滑油分光光度分析法分光光度法测定小球藻数量的方法研究

    Spectrometric oil analysis programme Methodological Research on Measuring Chlorella Quantity by Spectrophotometry

  26. 高油分油料水酶法预处理制油新技术

    Oil Extraction Technology of High-oil-content Material by Aqueous Enzymatic Preparation

  27. 圆滑的答复[手段]滑油分光光度分析法

    A diplomatic answer [ way ] spectrometric oil analysis programme

  28. 油菜含油量研究及高油分育种

    Research on and Breeding for High Oil Content in Rapes

  29. 超低水分贮藏对几种高油分种子生活力的影响

    Effects of ultra-low moisture content in storage on viability of some lipid-rich seeds

  30. 大豆蛋白质和油分含量生态特点研究

    A study on ecological property of protein content and oil content in Soybean