
yóu cǎi
  • paint;oil;greasepaint
油彩 [yóu cǎi]
  • (1) [paint;greasepaint]∶剧场化装用的熔化油脂

  • (2) [paint]∶含有油质和颜料

  • 一罐油彩

油彩[yóu cǎi]
  1. 她在自己脸上抹油彩。

    She plastered greasepaint on her face .

  2. 从绘画工具到绘画技法及绘画形式有三项创新:金属杆钩毛笔、油彩内画、系列烟壶。

    Has three innovations from the drawing tool to the drawing technique and the drawing form : Metal pole-hook writing brush , greasepaint inside-bottle painting , series smoke pot .

  3. 用这一组油彩可以调配出你所需要的颜色。

    With this range of paints , you can mix your own colours .

  4. 我们只是玩玩油彩,打发时间而已。

    We were just messing around playing with paint

  5. 可用少量油彩使四下显得更亮堂。

    It could do with a lick of paint to brighten up its premises .

  6. 孩子们在车辆中间跑来跑去,许多脸上都涂着油彩。

    Children , many with their faces daubed with paint , ran among the vehicles .

  7. 海厄特已经找到产生这些特性的方法,那就是利用油彩这种更加持久的材料。

    Hyatt has found a way of creating these qualities using the more permanent medium of oil paint .

  8. 碎了的瓷砖地板上布满了撕碎了的手纸和褪色的油彩。

    The chipped tile floor was littered with torn paper towels and peeling paint .

  9. 把A、B两种类型的表面胶应用于油彩正的护膜、隔层,获得了良好的结果。

    The good results have been obtained after application of top coating gelatin to oil - soluble color positive film .

  10. 在经过了将近两年相同的布局与色调之后,我们给与了FCM一抹新的油彩。

    After nearly two years of the same layout and colours , we gave FCM a lick of paint .

  11. 据美国“生活科学”网5月18日报道,这些幸存者是人们在哥伦比亚境内的山脉中发现的。它们或许是最后一批仅存于世的油彩蛙(paintedfrog)。

    The survivors , discovered in the mountains of Columbia , might be the last holdouts of the painted frog ( Atelopus ebenoides marinkellei ) .

  12. 在最后决战的场景中,Neytiri的胸口有一个白色掌印,那是她战斗油彩的一部分。

    In the final battle sequence , Neytiri has a white hand print on her chest as part of her warpaint .

  13. 将油彩艺术带进电脑虚拟现实的三维空间里是一突破性的试验。

    Augmenting it into 3D virtual reality space is a breakthrough .

  14. 这个脸上涂油彩的人是谁?

    Who 's the cartoon character in the painted face ?

  15. 从前印第安人常以油彩在脸上画上斑纹。

    The Indians used to streak their faces with paint .

  16. 星与星的夜晚,给你的画板抹上蓝灰的油彩。

    Starry , starry night , Paint your palette blue and gray .

  17. 球迷们身穿大红运动衫,脸上涂着油彩,兴奋的跳了起来。

    Fans in bright red jerseys and painted faces jump in excitement .

  18. 我要多用手指蘸着油彩画画,少用手指对着孩子训斥。

    I 'd finger-paint more and point the finger less .

  19. 想像梵谷生在廉价油彩的科技之前。

    Imagine Van Gogh being born before the technologies of cheap oil paints .

  20. 我决不会被一件上了法国油彩的英国工艺品骗上的。

    I scorn to be taken by an English craft under French colors .

  21. 有用油彩和水彩作画的画家。

    There were artists painting in oils and watercolours .

  22. 我喜欢选用油彩画画。

    My favourite medium for painting is oil .

  23. 节日这天,孩子们穿着各种稀奇古怪的服饰,脸上画着油彩,或带着面具。

    On this day children wear funny clothes and smear their faces with colors .

  24. 由于不喜欢画中的某些部分,因此他用油彩涂去。

    He painted out some parts of his paintings for he did not like them .

  25. 以油彩为主的绘画。

    A paint with an oil base .

  26. 喜欢用的颜料:全规格丙烯颜料,大幅肖像画用油彩。

    Favorite medium : acrylics for full figures , and oil paints for large portraits .

  27. 演戏化妆用的油彩和人造血使伤处显得逼真。

    Theatrical make-up and artificial blood had been used to make the injures look realistic .

  28. 画家使用的混合、涂抹或刮掉油彩的抹刀。

    A spatula used by artists for mixing or applying or scraping off oil paints .

  29. 空气里带着浓浓的走了味的油彩、油膏和香囊的气味。

    The air was heavy with the smell of stale grease paint , ointments , sachet .

  30. 在油彩、颜色的运用上,艺术家也显得技法圆熟。

    The effect is created through his remarkable virtuosity in the use of oil pigments and colors .