
mù bǎn huà
  • Wood painting;drawing on the block
  1. 经过具体的研究对武威木板画的艺术特点做出比较准确的判断。

    After a specific study on the art of painting Wuwei the characteristics of wood to make more accurate judgments .

  2. 为这一独特的西夏墓葬文化和其中发掘出来的木板画画面中所反映的多民族特点做铺垫。

    For the unique culture and the Western Xia Tombs excavated painted wooden screen , as reflected in the characteristics of multi-ethnic of basics .

  3. 开始纯化版画语言,对制作过程、材料实验和媒介物的探索把中国木板画推向了现代化的新阶段。

    Start purified print language , the production process , material experiments and exploration vehicle into the Chinese wooden painting a new stage of modernization .

  4. 可以说,武威西夏木板画是到目前为止唯一发现的反映西夏现实生活的艺术品。

    It can be said that Wu is painted wood wuwei xixia found so far only a reflection of real life works of art Xixia .

  5. 本文试图通过对立统一辩证方法对中国画的黑白与黑白木板画解剖分析研究。

    This paper attempts , through the dialectical unity of opposites methods of Chinese painting with black and white black and white painted wood anatomical analysis .

  6. 广告标牌、工艺及礼品盒、剪纸工艺、竹简、木板画、水晶制作、旅游品、像框制作、装饰装潢、大理石影像雕刻、园陵石碑肖像雕刻。

    Advertisement , crafts , wooden artwork and gift box , paper cutting , bamboo and wooden embossment , crystal nameplate , ornaments , frame fabrication , decorating , marble engraving , stone engraving , etc.

  7. 你愿意在木板上画还是在纸上画?

    Would you rather paint on wood or paper ?

  8. 凯特正在木板上画她的名字。

    Kate is painting her name on a board .

  9. 老陈常常弯着腰,拿了尺子和墨线盒在木板上面画什么东西。

    He was often bent over drawing something on a plank with a ruler and an ink marker .

  10. 没有。我在一块松木板上画了一张爱露薏丝的画像。如此而已。

    Nothing . I drew a picture of Alois on a piece of pine . That 's all .

  11. 后来,人们简化为在两块桃木板上画神像来代替神像雕塑。

    Later on , they thought it time-consuming to carve and simply hang peach wood boards and drew the figures on them .

  12. 葛饰北斋70岁上下之时,艺术细胞仍然丝毫未减,创作了《富士三十六景》系列浮世绘(也叫做木板水印画)。

    AT AROUND the age of70 , Katsushika Hokusai , still bounding with artistic energy , created " Thirty-six Views of Mount Fuji ", a series of ukiyo-e , or woodblock prints .

  13. 这个西班牙家庭从19世纪中期开始就拥有了这幅油彩木板便携式祭坛画《基督受洗图》,但是他们并不知道这幅画的价值。

    The Spanish family that has owned the oil-on-wood portable altarpiece , The Baptism of Christ , since the mid-19th Century , did not know what they had .