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  1. ICP-AES同时测定辣木叶中的6种微量元素

    Determination of Six Trace Elements in Horseradish Tree Leaves by Inductively Coupled Plasma-Atomic Emission Spectrometry

  2. 结果显示黄连木叶纯化酚类物质能显著提高经胡桃醌诱导的线虫存活率和降低线虫细胞内ROS浓度。

    The results suggested that the purified phenolic compounds of P. chinensis leaves could remarkable increased the survival rate of C. elegans and reduced the ROS level of the worm .

  3. 三种花灌木叶表皮特征扫描电镜观察

    SEM Observation of Epidermal Characteristics of Leaves of Three Flowering Shrubs

  4. 香桃木叶片粗多酚抗氧化活性的研究

    Antioxidant Activities of Crude Polyphenol Extracts from Leaves of Myrtus communis

  5. 辣木叶蛋白质提取工艺研究

    A Study on Protein Extracting Process from Leaves of Moringa oleifera

  6. 目的测定辣木叶中多糖的含量。

    ObjectiveTo determine the contents of polysaccharide in leaves of Moringa oleifera .

  7. 黄连木叶单宁化学组成及其利用研究

    Study on chemical composition and utilization of tannins in Pistacia chinensis leaf

  8. 辽东楤木叶总皂苷抗急性肝损伤的实验研究

    Empirical Study on Anti-acute Hepatic Injury of Aralia Elate Seem Leaf Total Saponin

  9. 木叶:你能不能给我更多的用例,智能合同?

    Kiba : Can you give me more use cases for smart contracts ?

  10. 还有国家最老的桃花心木叶生长在大沼泽地国家公园。

    The country 's largest living mahogany tree also lives in the Everglades .

  11. 当我看见木叶脱尽的高树,

    When lofty trees I see barren of leaves ,

  12. 壳聚糖对巴西木叶部致病菌白粉病的抑制作用

    Inhibiting Effect of Chitosan on the Pathogen of the Leaf Disease of Brazilwood

  13. 剪纸贴花、木叶纹、窑变釉等装饰具有独特性。

    Cutting decals , leaf pattern , and variable glaze decoration are unique .

  14. 观光木叶片挥发油成分及其对超氧阴离子抑制与清除活性研究

    Study on Volatile Oil Components and Activities of Restraining and Eliminating Supper Oxygen Anion

  15. 辣木叶总黄酮乙醇提取工艺的研究

    Study on Extraction Technology of total flavones from leaves of Moringa oleifera by ethanol

  16. 东北桤木叶表皮盾状腺毛的形态及其变化过程

    The Morphology and Process Changes of Peltate Glandular hairs in Alnus mandshurica Leaf Epidermis

  17. 北美太平洋海岸一种高大树种,叶类似于柏木叶,肉桂色树皮。

    Tall tree of North American Pacific coast having cypress-like foliage and cinnamon-red bark .

  18. 角倍及盐肤木叶片形态构造解剖分析

    A Study on Anatomical Structure of Horned Gall and the Leaf of Rhus chinensis

  19. 升起你全部木叶如同旌旗招展。

    Hang all your leafy banners out !

  20. 目的:探讨青龙木叶皂苷的镇痛效应及其机制。

    Objective To investigate the analgesic effect of saponin of Pterocarpus Indicus ( SPI ) .

  21. 透过远处的树林,织女星象一盏灯似地挂在木叶尽脱的树枝间。

    Far away through the plantation Vega sparkled like a lamp suspended amid the leafless trees .

  22. 香桃木叶非精油组分体外清除自由基和抗氧化作用研究

    In vitro scavenging free radical and antioxidant effects of extracts from Myrtus communis Linn . leaves

  23. 利用杉木种子发芽试验,研究杉木叶中提取的化感物质&邻羟基苯甲酸、四羰基己醇对杉木种子的化感效应。

    The allelopathic effect ofm-hydroxy phthalic acid and4-carbonylethanol on the germination of Chinese fir seeds was analyzed .

  24. 悬铃木叶片暗棕色抑菌色素的分离纯化及特性的初步研究

    Isolation , purification and partial properties of anti microbial dark brown pigment from leaves of Platanus orientalis

  25. 木叶:你能告诉我们更深入你工作有关的项目上?

    Kiba : Can you tell us more in depth about the projects you 're working on ?

  26. 不同演替阶段森林群落优势种苗木叶形态解剖结构比较研究

    The Comparative Study on Leaf Anatomic Characteristics of Dominant Species Seedlings in Different Stages of Forest Secondary Succession

  27. 三年修行的时间飞快地过去了,一个崭新的鸣人回到了木叶村。

    Practice time for three years quickly passed , and a brand-new ming village people returned to the Leaves .

  28. 妈妈大笑了一声,把接骨木叶放进壶里,然后把开水倒进去。

    And his mother laughed , put some Elder-flowers in the tea-pot , and poured boiling water upon them .

  29. 木叶暗杀刑拷队的队长,本次中忍考试的初考考官。

    Leaf assassination squad , torture and interrogation captin , currently examiner for the first part of the chuunin exam .

  30. 肉桂,牧桂生桂皮的树木北美太平洋海岸一种高大树种,叶类似于柏木叶,肉桂色树皮。

    A plant yielding this bark . tall tree of North American Pacific coast having cypress-like foliage and cinnamon-red bark .