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  1. 大自然的图案:倒影。静水的明尼苏达州的百灵鸟镜湖云聚天空。

    The still waters of Minnesota 's Wasan Lake mirror cloudy skies .

  2. 起风了,云聚了,下雨了。

    The wind blew , the clouds gathered , the rain fell .

  3. 云聚起来好象要下雨的样子。

    Clouds are collecting ; it threatens to rain .

  4. 届时来自全国各地的爱犬者、精品犬舍、宠物机构及国际名犬也将云聚于此。

    Dog lovers , dog farm producers , pet organizations and some international breed dogs will all be present at the show .

  5. 俗语云聚沙成塔,我们既已埋积了一个相当大的沙丘,也一定能建成一座巨塔。

    I am confident that we have created a fairly good-sized animal already , and one that definitely has the potential to grow into that elephant .

  6. 天空的云越聚越多了。

    The sky is getting very cloudy .