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yǒu wéi
  • promising
有为 [yǒu wéi]
  • [promising] 做出成绩

  • 奋发有为

  • 大有为也。--宋. 王安石《答司马谏议书》

有为[yǒu wéi]
  1. F·菲茨拉德长篇小说《夜色温柔》(TenderistheNight,1934)通过一个有为青年失败和沉沦的故事,隐喻了科学理性束缚人性,文明必将付出代价的主题。

    Through a promising youth 's failure and fall , Tender is the Night unearths its metaphorical theme that scientific reason fetters humanity and civilization is bound to pay .

  2. 一位痴迷小说的读者,Serena身负着神秘使命,被送去策反年轻有为的小说家TomHaley到这事业来。

    Serena , a compulsive reader of fiction , is sent on a secret mission to convert a promising young novelist , Tom Haley , to the cause .

  3. 在营地有为孩子们组织的各种各样的活动。

    There are all sorts of activities for kids at the campsite .

  4. 城里有为数众多的锡克教教徒。

    The town has a sizeable Sikh population .

  5. 多数是男人,不过也有为数不多的年轻妇女。

    Most were men , but there was also a sprinkling of young women .

  6. 父亲奥伯龙的“学院俱乐部”里真的是有为青年济济一堂。

    Father Auberon 's Academy Club positively heaved with dashing young men .

  7. 这个中心有为亚洲的企业和企业家提供建议的职能。

    The centre has a remit to advise Asian businesses and entrepreneurs .

  8. 泳池分三部分,有为初学者而设的慢泳道。

    The pool is divided into three sections with a crawler lane for beginners

  9. 他年轻有为,不过他父亲也曾经是。

    He was a fine young man , but then so had his father been

  10. 我们发现这男孩聪明有为。

    We found much of intelligence and promise in the boy .

  11. 这正是男子汉发奋有为之时!

    This is the time for stout fellows to prove their worth !

  12. 他年轻有为,巧于运筹。

    He 's a clever young man and knows how to play his cards well .

  13. 他有为妇女设计漂亮服装的能力。

    He has a facility for designing beautiful clothes for women .

  14. 积极的财政政策要更加积极有为

    Pursue a more proactive and impactful fiscal policy

  15. 实施好更加积极有为的财政政策、更加稳健灵活的货币政策,增强宏观政策的针对性和时效性。

    We should adopt more proactive and impactful fiscal policies and more prudent to keep macro policies more targeted and timely .

  16. 我们亦有为酒店餐饮部(HotelFood&Beverage)提供拍摄服务,惹味卖相能引起顾客食欲。

    We are also provide photography service to Hotel Food & Beverage Department .

  17. 不过SusanHuang表示,年少有为的关天朗仍是个罕见的例子。

    But the young Guan remains unusual , according to Ms Huang .

  18. 第一个系统的配置可以使用任何Linux发行版本,需要有为其开发驱动程序的设备。

    The first setup requires any Linux distribution and the device for which you are writing the device driver .

  19. 他们成立了一个名为HYPE的组织。即夏灵基有为青年。

    They have formed a group called HYPE : Haringey 's Young People Empowered .

  20. 在网格之外,我们在华尔街有为数众多的客户端,用以构建访问EDF的应用。

    Outside of grid , we have numerous clients on Wall Street that are building applications that access the EDF .

  21. 视图中有为UI的初始位置、幻灯片出现、幻灯片消失定义的信号,还有2个分别为开始和结束卡片编辑而定义的信号。

    Your view has signals defined for the initial positioning of the UI , the slide in , slide out sequence , and two for beginning and ending card editing .

  22. 这些节目多姿多彩,既有为美国电视网创作的以耶路撒冷为背景的考古悬疑剧《千古挖掘》(Dig),也有为TBS频道创作的情景喜剧《你家还是我家》(YourFamilyorMine),主演是理查德·德雷福斯(RichardDreyfuss)。

    They run the gamut from " Dig , " an archeological mystery set in Jerusalem and created for USA Network , to the TBS sitcom " Your Family or Mine , " starring Richard Dreyfuss .

  23. 年轻有为的人类联盟军官shepard,被分配指挥诺曼底号,诺曼底号是有史以来最先进的原型舰只。

    Commander shepard-a promising young officer in the human alliance military-is assigned to the crew of the normandy , the most advanced prototype vessel ever designed .

  24. 年轻有为的巴西外交部长帕特里奥塔(AntonioPatriota)夸口称,目前巴西在非洲的大使馆数量比英国还要多。

    Antonio Patriota , the country 's bright young foreign minister , boasts that Brazil now has more embassies in Africa than Britain .

  25. 与其他任何PHPV5对象相似,SDO也拥有一组属性,但与普通PHPV5对象的不同之处在于,SDO只是数据值容器,不能有为之定义的应用方法。

    Like any PHP V5 object , an SDO has a set of properties , but unlike a normal PHP V5 object they are just containers for data values and cannot have application methods defined for them .

  26. 这个系列中的每个应用售价为0.99美元,有为CSS、mySQL、JavaScript、php、RegEx、jQuery和HTML开发者准备的。你可以在直接在应用里直接编写和测试后三种代码。

    Priced at $ 0.99 each , there are apps available for CSS , mySQL , JavaScript , php , RegEx , jQuery and HTML & the last three of which let you write and test code inside the app .

  27. 我们有为祖国争光的决心。

    We have the determination to win honour for our motherland .

  28. 在那边我们有为世博会参观者准备的往返穿梭车。布朗太太:噢,谢谢。

    We have a shuttle bus for Expo visitors over there .

  29. 没有工作成绩的干部,就应该给那些有为者腾出位置。

    No achievements cadres should have position to the ability person .

  30. 受过良好教育的公民是建立一个有为政府的重要前提。

    An educated citizenship is the key to an effective government .