
  1. 在公园的中心处有一眼泉水。

    At the center of the park there is a spring .

  2. 在心上人的门前有一眼泉水

    A fountain at my fond heart 's door

  3. 千手观音的形象,常以四十二手象征千手,每一手中各有一眼。

    The image of deaf , often in forty thousand symbol used , each hand is one .

  4. 在这片热带小岛上,有一眼望不到边的大海、无垠的沙滩和美丽的阳光。这里是人们心中理想的天堂。

    ENDLESS sea , sand and sunshine on a tiny tropical island – everyone 's idea of Paradise .

  5. 欧洲蝴蝶,其每只红褐色的翅膀上有一个眼斑。

    European butterfly having reddish-brown wings each marked with a purple eyespot .

  6. 就在那时有一个独眼龙出现了。

    But just then a secon one-eyed man appeared .

  7. 我们有一只独眼猫但我不知道它的名字

    We have a oneeyed cat but I don 't know what his name is

  8. 你看着我,你想想我是不是有一个个可爱眼还有一点点期待,期待着你的爱。

    You Look at me and think of my cute characters and my few expectation , the expectation of your love .

  9. 西校门离我的宿舍不远,当天我请了假,我觉得能够有幸看一眼火炬都是非常值得的事。

    That 's not far from my dormitory , I had the day off work and catching even a quick glimpse of the hollowed flame would make any hassle well worth the effort .

  10. 有一天,我眼看着他把600张电脑打印纸揉成纸团对着垃圾筐练三分投篮。

    The other day I watched him wad up 600 sheets of computer paper in pursuit of the perfect wastebasket three-point shot .

  11. 这儿有生气;他一眼便看出来了。

    Here was life ; he saw it at a flash .

  12. 那里有一个叫伦敦眼的建筑物。

    There is a building called London Eye .

  13. 好奇的客人们洗手时有打开柜门看一眼的习惯。

    Prying guests have a habit of open-ing the door just to have a peek while washing their hands .

  14. 只是用厚棉布剪裁成的样式。样板刀眼剪刀:每个样板师都有一把样板刀眼剪刀,用来剪缝份(放松量)和对位记号。

    They were only patterns made of heavy cotton cloth . Pattern Notches : The pattern cutter has a pair of pattern notches which are used for marking seam allowances and balance marks .

  15. 样板刀眼剪刀:每个样板师都有一把样板刀眼剪刀,用来剪缝份(放松量)和对位记号。这种排料方法适用于较宽的样板,但不适用那些需要折叠的样板。

    Pattern Notches : The pattern cutter has a pair of pattern notches which are used for marking seam allowances and balance marks . This layout accommodates wider pattern pieces , but not those requiring a fold .

  16. 他有些不知所措地说:他很可能认得出那把刀…可是夫人,上岸之后,我们便有暴露身份的危险,更何况宫中有人一眼就可认出您。

    He looked nonplussed . He may know the blade , yes ? but , my lady , the moment we go ashore we are at risk . And there are those at court who will know you on sight .