
  • 网络organic intellectual;organism intellectual;organ intellectual
  1. 第一章:有机知识分子理论渊源。

    The first chapter : theory origin of the organic intellectuals .

  2. 这种体系是由知识分子来加以论证和清晰地表达,由民众与有机知识分子辩证运动所组成的历史集团来推动它从理论走向实践。

    This system is to be demonstrated by intellectuals and clearly expressed by the public and organic intellectuals , the dialectical movement of history group formed to promote it from theory to practice .

  3. 余努力的结果是,他成长为葛兰西所说的“有机知识分子”的典型。

    As a result , Yu became a typical " organic intellectual " as described by Antonio Gramsci .

  4. 他作为有机知识分子的写作实践,呈现为虚构作品日渐衰落与非虚构写作日益加强的过程。

    In the process of his writing practice as an " organic intellectual " , Naipaul has demonstrated a decline of fiction and a simultaneous strengthening of non-fiction .

  5. 葛兰西在对市民社会作独特理解的基础上,阐释了无产阶级必须掌握意识形态文化领导权、关于阵地战的设想以及有机知识分子思想。

    Gramsci ′ s " civil society " as a ( unique ) understanding of the basis of the interpretation of the proletarian ideology of cultural leadership must grasp on the " trench warfare " and the idea of " organic intellectuals " ideology .

  6. 有机的知识分子是指从属于某个社会阶层,并与阶层之间的知识斗争相连的知识分子。

    ' organic ' intellectuals are those who are part of social classes and who engage in a battle of ideas across classes .