
  • 网络A loess Culture
  1. 安塞是中国黄土文化保持和发展的最集中、最有代表性的地域,具有特殊的地位。

    Ansai is the region which keeps develops collectivest representativest to Chinese loess culture , it has particular position .

  2. 论文,首先从形、象、意三个角度分析总结了黄土文化的艺术特质。

    Paper , first of all from the form , like , three aspects of Italian culture , art summarized characteristics of loess .

  3. 黄土文化背景下的城市也不例外:规模日益扩大,建设日新月异,随之带来的城市风貌同化问题日趋严重。

    Cultural context of the city of loess is no exception : the increasing size , rapid development and brought the city style assimilation become increasingly serious .

  4. 陕北民歌是中华民族浩如烟海的民歌海洋中一支艺术奇葩,是中华民族黄土文化的重要载体,更是民间文化宝库中一颗绚烂的明珠。

    The folk song of northern Shaanxi province is one of the greatest Chinese artistic forms . It is a significant carrier of the loess culture . Moreover it is also a glowing pearl in folk culture .

  5. 安塞腰鼓作为陕北最能体现黄土文化的民俗艺术被人们津津乐道,叹为观止,越来越被世人所熟知。

    Ansai waist drum most can manifest the loess culture as North Shanxi folk custom art to love to talk about by the people , praises to the heavens , more and more was known very well by the common people .

  6. 通过不断地改造和创新,它已发展成为现代黄土高原文化中一种独特的民间技艺。

    Through continuous reform and innovation , which has developed into a modern culture of the Loess Plateau , a unique folk art .

  7. 陕北民歌是中华民族民歌艺术的一支奇葩,是中华民族黄土地文化的地上的精神文物,更是我国民间文学宝库中的一颗璀璨的明珠。

    Folk Songs is a wonderful Chinese folk art is the culture of the Chinese Yellow Earth , " the spirit of earth relics ," is our folk literature for a bright pearl .

  8. 陕县窑洞民居已留存千年,独有的建筑形制和特色的周边村落风貌为我们展现了浓厚的黄土高原文化。

    Dating from thousands of years ago , yaodong ( the cave dwellings ) of shanxian county , with the peculiar architectural characteristics and the flavor of the surrounding villages reveals the world the profound of the Loess Plateau culture .

  9. 结合考古地层学、黄土高原已有的文化层~(14)C年代数据和在DXF-N剖面发现的文化遗物,确定出这四个面流侵蚀沉积事件分别发生在11500~11000aB.P。

    , and integrated with the archeology , the ~ ( 14 ) C age data in loess plateau and the cultural remains found in DXF-N profile , the results showed that the 4 sheet erosion-deposit events were recorded in DXF-N profile in 11500 a B.P. ~ 11000 a B.P.