
  • 网络the birmingham school
  1. 英国伯明翰学派早期亚文化研究探微

    Subculture Studies in the 1970 's & 1980 's Birmingham School of Culture Studies

  2. 伯明翰学派电视研究概论

    Study on the TV Research of Birmingham School

  3. 伯明翰学派青年亚文化研究的起点:理查德·霍加特与电唱机男孩

    The Origination of Birmingham School 's Youth Subculture Studies : Richard Hoggart and Joke-Box Boys

  4. 其中法兰克福学派、伯明翰学派的理论对大众文化研究提供了重要的价值。

    Among them , the theories of the Frankfurt School and the Birmingham School have made invaluable contributions .

  5. 在电视文本分析、电视受众研究、民族志研究方法,伯明翰学派也存在着一定的局限性。

    Birmingham school also has certain limitation in the television text analysis , research of television audience , ethnographic research methods .

  6. 20世纪70年代以来,从传播理论和文化层面上出发对电视媒介进行研究,最为成功者当属伯明翰学派。

    Since 1970s , the Birmingham School successfully have made researches on TV based on both mass communication theory and cultural significance .

  7. 作为当代文化研究思潮的契机,伯明翰学派的文化研究备受关注。

    As one of the key groups in contemporary cultural studies , Birmingham School'cultural studies have been paid quite close attention to .

  8. 此外,研究伯明翰学派的文化观念与通俗文化理论对当代的文化研究也有着不可忽视的重要意义。

    And besides , a research on Birmingham School 's cultural ideas and popular cultural theories also hasunneglectable significance to contemporary cultural studies .

  9. 安吉拉·麦克罗比作为伯明翰学派的重要理论家,她在女性主义方面的研究引发了伯明翰学派性别研究的取向。

    Angela McRobbie is an important theorist of Birmingham School , whose study on feminism makes the Birmingham School begin the investigation orientation of gender .

  10. 伯明翰学派始终关注大众文化,所以对流行音乐和服装等日常生活中的艺术也倾注了大量心力。

    Having been always paying attention to mass culture , Birmingham School also has spent much mental efforts on daily art as pop music and apparels .

  11. 伯明翰学派的出场和当时的社会时代背景以及个人历史踪迹有关,同时,法兰克福学派对伯明翰学派的影响也很大。

    Birmingham School of appearance and the social background and personal history traces on the same time , the Frankfurt School and Birmingham School of great impact .

  12. 第三章,对网络恶搞现象的青年亚文化特征进行解读,首先界定网络恶搞文化是一种青年亚文化,然后通过英国伯明翰学派的青年亚文化理论透视恶搞现象。

    First the KUSO culture is defined as a youth sub-culture , and then through the youth sub-culture theory of Birmingham School to interpret the Internet KUSO phenomenon .

  13. 相对于探索伯明翰学派的文化研究来说,探索这一学派的文学研究具有追本溯源的意义。

    So , rather than explore the cultural studies of Birmingham School , studying the school 's literature studies has more profound significance for its sources on cultural studies .

  14. 伯明翰学派对战后英国文化的研究推动了对大众文化的深入理解,使得人们更强烈地感知到大众时代的真正意义。

    The study of postwar British culture from Birmingham School promoted the deep understanding of popular culture , making people more strongly to perceive the real meaning of popular era .

  15. 法兰克福学派和伯明翰学派是20世纪西方新马克思主义思潮中影响最大的两个分支。过去学术界普遍认为这两个学派有着完全不同的学术路径和理论指向。

    Frankfurt School and Birmingham School are both the important influential branches of western New Marxism in 20 century which were generally considered to research in different ways and possesses different theories .

  16. 霍加特、威廉斯和汤普森是伯明翰学派早期的重要代表,他们的思想奠定了伯明翰学派的基本学术范式,对整个当代西方文化研究都有着非同一般的影响。

    Hoggard , Williams and Thompson is an important representative of early Birmingham School , and their thoughts on the later of Birmingham School of Culture and even the scholars all have extraordinary influence .

  17. 第三章是本文的重点,即文化领导权理论对伯明翰学派的影响,在这一批学者中本文又主要阐述了对霍尔和费斯克的影响。

    The third part , the main one of the whole thesis , concerns how cultural hegemony affects Birmingham School . In this part , the thesis mainly talks about Hall and Fisk their relative theories .

  18. 同时充分考虑到推动民间传说发展与演变的经济因素以及各种社会文化因素,这部分又以伯明翰学派的文化理论为依据。

    This part mainly refers to the medium theory of Toronto school as reference and takes full account of the economic factors promoting development and evolution of folklores as well as a variety of socio-cultural factors .

  19. 那么,如何抵抗这一霸权,走出控制?伯明翰学派学者费斯克等人对这一问题提出的民众的抵抗显然是有启发意义的。

    So the question is how to resist the hegemony and go out of its control . Fiske and other scholars of Birmingham School put forward the mass resistant theory which throws some light on this question .

  20. 伯明翰学派大多数学者认为,青年亚文化是社会结构出现矛盾的产物,是为了抵抗资产阶级的霸权和解决父辈文化和主导文化之间尚未解决的问题。

    Most scholars Birmingham school thought that the subculture of youth is the product of social structure of conflict . It is to resist the unsolved problem that bourgeois hegemony and solve between paternal culture and the dominant culture .

  21. 本文的研究使用话语分析的理论和方法,包括美国会话分析学派、英国伯明翰学派等的研究成果,结合言语行为理论,描写分析现代汉语引发句。

    The research of this paper learns from the theory and method of Discourse analysis . It includes the research findings of The United States of America conversation analysis school and the Bermingham School . It combined with the theory of speech acts .