
  • 网络The Star of Bethlehem
  1. 美丽的伯利恒之星闪闪发光。

    Beautiful Star of Bethlehem shine on ( shine on ) .

  2. 这是因为作为重要的是伯利恒之星的耶稣诞生路线?

    Is this alignment as significant as the Star of Bethlehem was to the birth of Jesus ?

  3. 圣经中伟大的星相故事之一是伯利恒之星的故事。

    One of the great astrological stories in the Bible is the story of the star of Bethlehem .

  4. 对基督徒来说,他们的信仰使他们坚信“伯利恒之星”确实出现过,这并不需要进一步的解释。

    For Christians , the appearance of the Star of Bethlehem is a faith-based event , and no further explanation is required .

  5. 一些英国研究人员却认为“伯利恒之星”是一颗明亮的新星,就像是公元前5年春被中国人所记录的彗星一样。

    Some British researchers propose that the star of Bethlehem was a bright nova , like the one described by the Chinese in the spring of 5 BC .