
wéi mù
  • heavy curtain;drapery;parocheth;paroket
帷幕 [wéi mù]
  • [heavy curtain] 悬挂起来用于遮挡的大块布、绸、丝绒等

  • 裹以帷幕。--《资治通鉴》

帷幕[wéi mù]
  1. 大坝基础帷幕灌浆工作中值得商榷的几个问题

    Several Problems Discussed in the Heavy Curtain Grouting of Large-delta Base

  2. 大坝帷幕灌浆技术在基坑工程中的应用

    Application of Dam Heavy Curtain Grouting Technology in Foundation Pit

  3. 她从帷幕后面窥视了一下观众。

    She peeked at the audience from behind the curtain .

  4. 序曲将近结束时帷幕升起来了。

    The curtain rises toward the end of the Prelude .

  5. 冰上比赛落下帷幕。

    The curtain descends on the winter games .

  6. 每场终了,帷幕都落下。

    The curtain is lowered at the end of each scene .

  7. 风把帷幕吹得鼓了起来。

    The wind bagged the curtain .

  8. 在帷幕拉开前,许多著名的演员感到坐立不安。

    Many famous actors are on pins and needles before the curtain opens for a play .

  9. 到时候,英格兰史上最有名的转会传奇故事之一将落下帷幕

    It will complete one of the most remarkable transfer sagas in English football .

  10. 景色立即如拉开了舞台的帷幕一般充满了戏剧性地出现在你面前

    The scene breaks out before you with the theatricality of a curtain lifted from a stage .

  11. 今年的国家网络安全宣传周9月14日拉开帷幕,将重点关注个人信息保护。

    This year 's Cybersecurity Week , a nationwide event , kicked off on Sept 14 with emphasis on personal information protection .

  12. GIN灌浆法在百色水利枢纽帷幕灌浆试验中的应用

    Application of the JIN grouting method for curtain grouting test in the Baise project

  13. 我最信赖的PPE排行榜评选拉开帷幕

    The Ranking of the PPE I Trust Most started

  14. 美国联邦储备委员会主席贝南克(BenBernanke)上周五在怀俄明州杰克逊霍尔(JacksonHole)的讲话从某种意义上说拉开了市场“新赛季”的帷幕。

    A speech Friday by U.S. Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke at Jackson Hole , Wyo. , in some ways kicked off the new season .

  15. 随着常规赛慢慢降下帷幕,对于常规赛MVP的归属的讨论总是持续升温着。

    With the regular season winding down the talk invariably heats up over the regular season MVP .

  16. 《财富》专栏作家迈克尔·列弗·拉姆与爱立信(Ericsson)首席执行官卫翰思的对话拉开了“2014年科技头脑风暴大会”的帷幕。

    Brainstorm Tech 2014 kicked off with a conversation between Fortune 's Michal Lev-Ram and Hans Vestberg , CEO of Ericsson .

  17. 《绯闻女孩》第四季将随着容光焕发的S和B在巴黎的华丽浪漫暑假拉开帷幕,紧接着Chuck带着个新的身份和新的女友神秘驾到。

    Season four will open with a radiant Serena and Blair enjoying their grand and romantic summer in Paris * until Chuck mysteriously arrives in town with a new girlfriend and a new identity .

  18. 第三届阿曼沙漠马拉松赛(ThethirdOmanDesertMarathon)于11月初拉开帷幕,Bidiyah村村民身穿白色长袍、腰里别着剑与iPhones,为我们表演了象征开赛的舞蹈。

    The third Oman Desert Marathon began earlier this month after a ceremonial dance by the villagers of Bidiyah , wearing white robes with swords and iPhones tucked inside their belts .

  19. 众所周知,信息时代与知识经济是当今的一个热门话题,但真正拉开信息时代帷幕的是1947年Bell实验室晶体管的发明;

    As we all know , the information age and the knowledge economy are hot topics today . The invention of the transistor at Bell lab in 1947 means the threshold of the information age .

  20. 再过不到10天,一级方程式(formulaone)赛车季就将拉开帷幕,第一站是在墨尔本举行的澳大利亚大奖赛(australiangrandprix)。

    There are only 10 days to go before the formula one motor racing season begins , with the Australian Grand Prix in Melbourne . But pre-race nerves this year are afflicting the sport as a whole as much as the drivers themselves .

  21. 第26届西班牙机床展(BIEMH)宣传销售工作已经拉开帷幕。

    Commercial promotion work for the26th Spanish Machine-tool Biennial ( BIEMH ) has begun .

  22. 随着TD-LTE大规模网络试运行的开展,TD-LTE全球商用化已拉开帷幕,TD-LTE终端的时代已经到来。

    Along with the start of extensive tirals for TD-LTE network , the global commercialization of TD-LTE has raised the curtain , and the era of TD-LTE terminals has arrived .

  23. 记者和博客争相抢快,抢在演示舞厅洞察力。在这里,CNET的丹尼尔特迪曼甚至已经开始写在展前已经正式拉开帷幕。

    Reporters and bloggers jostle for scoops and insight from the Demo ballroom . Here , CNET 's Daniel Terdiman has begun writing even before the show has officially kicked off .

  24. 据悉,为了迎接即将于6月10日在巴黎拉开帷幕的2016年欧洲杯,房屋租赁公司HomeAway将在埃菲尔铁塔首层的部分区域隔出300平米,改造为奥斯曼风格的客房。

    Rental company HomeAway said it was taking over part of the first floor of the 300-meter latticework for the duration of the UEFA Euro 2016 football tournament slated for June 10 in Paris , and transforming it into Hausmannian-style living quarters .

  25. 高压喷射搅拌桩在防水帷幕加固工程中的应用

    Application of High-pressure Jet Agitation Piles on a Waterproof Consolidation Work

  26. 化学注浆在泵房基础止水帷幕中的应用

    Application of chemical grouting to water-sealing curtain in pumping house foundation

  27. 砂砾石层中帷幕灌浆的施工方法和问题分析

    Construction method and problem analysis of curtain grouting in sand-gravel layers

  28. 应用物探技术检测帷幕灌浆效果

    Application of the geophysical survey technology to test grout curtain effectiveness

  29. 杨溪水库取水口工程围堰砂砾石帷幕灌浆施工技术

    Grouting of the Gravel Curtain of the Yangxi Reservoir Intake Project

  30. 在大坝基础工程帷幕灌浆、回填技术上处同行之首。

    Its dam foundation grout curtain and backfilling technologies are advanced .
