
  • 【人名】Berte
  1. 伯特是不受雇于任何人的自由演员。

    Bert was a footloose , unemployed actor .

  2. 好了,伯特,别出风头。

    Now , Bert , quit hogging the limelight .

  3. 伯特是个能说会道、善于交际的人。

    Bert is a voluble , gregarious man .

  4. 詹姆斯特别喜欢这只猫。有一次他要外出几天,临行前不厌其烦地嘱咐郝伯特照顾好这只宠物。

    James was particularly attached to the cat , and when he had to leave town for several days , he left Herbert meticulous instructions about the pet 's care .

  5. 美国NBA职业篮球队富有传奇色彩的教练伯特赖利的成功,在于他进行了逐步不断的改进。

    One of the secrets of legendary NBA coach Pat Riley 's success in his commitment to gradual , consistent improvement .

  6. 伯特从柬埔寨移民到美国并于1993年创建了查娅·伯特柬埔寨舞蹈团(CharyaBurtCambodianDanceorganization)。

    Burt immigrated to the United States from Cambodia and founded the Charya Burt Cambodian Dance organization in1993 .

  7. 伯特补充说,30门选修课大多偏向于创业方面。如今,该校与Mozilla和Gap比邻而居。

    The 30 electives chosen by students tend to lean towards the entrepreneurial , adds Ms Birt , who can now count Mozilla and Gap as neighbours .

  8. 在1977年的电影《熊和强盗》中,伯特-雷诺兹驾驶一辆黑色庞蒂克TransAm,成功地塑造了一位良家老男孩形象。

    Actor Burt Reynolds showed his image as a good old boy by driving a powerful black Pontiac Trans Am in Smokey and the Bandit .

  9. G24的财务总监史蒂芬?伯特(StevenBurt)谈到了用灯泡供电的电视遥控器、烟雾探测器和电脑键盘。

    Steven Burt , G24 's chief financial officer , talks of light-bulb-powered TV remote controls , smoke detectors and computer keyboards .

  10. 德国人J.F.伯特格尔一次偶然的机会发明了瓷器,但是,18世纪的欧洲仍然大量需要中国瓷器。

    The German J. F. Bett-ger accidentally invented porcelain , but the need for Chinese porcelain was very high in the stream of a China fashion in 18th century Europe .

  11. 漫画呆伯特(dilbert)的创作者斯科特亚当斯(scottadams)曾提出,联网的机器人将能够比人类更好地按时、按预算管理项目。

    Scott Adams , creator of the Dilbert cartoon , has suggested networked robots would be better than humans at managing projects to time and budget .

  12. 火车还可以把你从呆伯特式(Dilbertian)浪费时间的办公室生活中解放出来:同事们无所事事地围在你的桌子旁,抱怨通勤,抱怨老板,或抱怨若泽•穆里尼奥(JoséMourinho)。

    Trains also free you from the Dilbertian timewasting of office life : the colleagues loafing around your desk grumbling about the commute , the boss or Jos é Mourinho .

  13. 在许多美国人的印象中,“他们就是一群呆伯特(Dilbert),”洛克希德·马丁公司(LockheedMartin)工程事务副总裁杰弗里·威尔科克斯(JeffreyWilcox)解释说。

    And to the extent that Americans do , " they think of Dilbert , " explains Jeffrey Wilcox , vice president of engineering at Lockheed Martin .

  14. 根据工程法,研究了Buck变换器的电压环和电压电流双闭环的设计,通过伯特图、仿真和实验验证了PI参数配置的可行性。

    According to the project method study the way to design the voltage loop and the voltage and current loop of the Buck converter . Through bode graph , simulation and experimental test the feasibility of the PI parameter configuration .

  15. 利用近红外光谱法(NIRS),根据广义郎伯特&比尔定律(Lambert-Beer)可以实现活体脑血氧浓度的无创伤测量。

    With the use of Near infrared spectroscopy ( NIRS ), the noninvasive measurement of cerebral oxygen concentration can be achieved in vivo based on the Lambert Beer Law .

  16. 尽管对校园设施感到自豪,但伯特强调,这不是学员们愿意掏那么高的学费的原因。跟在费城校区一样,旧金山分院的EMBA学员面对面教学时间超过700小时。

    While proud of the campus , Ms Birt stresses that this is not the reason students pay big money As in Philadelphia , EMBA students receive more than 700 hours of contact time .

  17. 早在他出任总理前,在他学习中文并成为外交官前,甚至在他还不满12岁时,父亲伯特(Bert)就因车祸而撒手人寰。

    Long before he became prime minister , before he learnt Chinese and became a diplomat , before he had even turned 12 , his father Bert had died in the aftermath of a car crash .

  18. 丽亚•雷米尼已经证实她脱离了山达基教,越来越多的名人告别了由科幻作家L•罗恩•贺伯特创立的宗教,从此她也加入了这支队伍。

    Leah Remini has confirmed that she 's left the Church of Scientology , and with that she joins a growing list of celebrities who have said goodbye to the religion created by science fiction writer L. Ron Hubbard .

  19. 如今大家仍然不能把旧金山和沃顿商学院联系起来。该项目执行主任贝尔纳黛特•伯特(BernadetteBirt)坦承,但我们的许多学员在入校之时就已怀有创业的想法,打算在毕业之时成为企业家。

    People still don 't think San Francisco when they think Wharton , admits Bernadette Birt , executive director of the programme . But many students come here with ideas already brewing in their heads and ready to step out as entrepreneurs .

  20. 其他人们熟识的成员还包括伯特、厄尼和大鸟。

    Other familiar faces include Bert , Ernie and Big Bird .

  21. 就像《呆伯特》所描绘的,科技将引发这些关系的革命。

    Technology will revolutionise these relationships , too , pace Dilbert .

  22. 伯特,希望你能快点停下。

    Burt , I hope you 're going to stop soon .

  23. 伯特芒罗,是你在约我吗?

    You 're asking me on a date , Burt munro ?

  24. 收看了一部由简?方达和伯特?瑞诺兹主演的影片。

    And watched a movies with Jane Fonda and Burt Reynolds .

  25. 好了,伯特,我不会伤害你&真的。

    I will love you with every bert of my heart .

  26. 柔依和伯特正在找新房子。

    Zoe and Burt are looking for a new house .

  27. 伯特周末在拉斯维加斯赌博输了3000美元。

    Burt lost $ 3000 gambling in Las Vegas over the weekend .

  28. 第二个是伯特是一个胖的养畜者。

    The second one Bert was a fat stock breeder .

  29. 他终于得到了方程式,就如大卫希耳伯特做的那样。

    He finally gets the equations right just as David Hilbert does .

  30. 什么矮个子男人?伯特迷惑不解地问。

    " What little man ?" asked Bert , puzzled .