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  • 网络shanna
  1. 还有呢莎娜回来了而且不走了

    And there 's more . Shana 's back . Permanently .

  2. 莎娜提过佐治亚州吗

    I mean , did Shana ever mention anything about Georgia ,

  3. 我觉得莎娜就是我们一直认为的那样

    I think Shana 's who we always thought she was :

  4. 但是莎娜害他心脏病发

    Except the part where Shana gave him a heart attack .

  5. 莎娜马上想到了电影《电锯惊魂》。

    Shanna was immediately attacked by memories of the movie Saw .

  6. 艾莉一直觉得詹娜在操纵莎娜

    Ali , she always thought that Jenna was manipulating Shana ,

  7. 莎娜的确在艾莉祖父母的隔壁长大

    Shana did grow up next door to Ali 's grandparents .

  8. 梦娜说莎娜爱着詹娜

    Well , Mona said Shana was in love with Jenna .

  9. 女孩子,卡娜和莎娜。

    Now , it is traditional for the king and queen .

  10. 她知道莎娜就是射伤你的人

    she knows that Shana was the one that shot you .

  11. 我在那个恐怖小城里看到了莎娜

    I saw her there . Shana . In creepy-ville .

  12. 我站在莎娜尸体边的照片

    with a picture of me standing over Shana 's dead body .

  13. 所以是詹娜和莎娜把大家拖出来的吗

    So is that who pulled everybody out ? Jenna and Shana ?

  14. 艾莉在她“死后”跟莎娜说话

    Ali talking to Shana when she 's supposed to be dead .

  15. 证明你说不了解莎娜是在撒谎

    that you were lying about how well you knew Shana

  16. 我敢肯定莎娜是在和艾莉通话

    I 'm pretty sure Shana was talking to Ali .

  17. K歌之夜以后就没人见过莎娜了

    No one 's seen Shana since the Open Mic .

  18. 莎娜应该去咖啡店找我的

    Shana was supposed to meet me at the Brew ,

  19. 能不要冷嘲热讽吗莎娜

    Hey , can we not do snide , Shana ?

  20. 梅丽莎搬出去莎娜又搬进来了

    So , Melissa moves out ; Shana moves in .

  21. 莎娜被杀那晚你也受了枪伤

    You were shot the night before Shana was killed .

  22. 而且你说莎娜认识詹娜

    And you 're saying , that Shana knows Jenna .

  23. 你以后再也不用担心莎娜了

    You don 't have to worry about Shana anymore .

  24. 为什么莎娜为什么要跟我们作对

    But why ? What does Shana have against us ?

  25. 但我觉得是莎娜先我一步找到她

    But I think that Shana got to her first .

  26. 莎娜知道我们在谷仓外的谈话

    Shana knew the conversation we had outside the barn .

  27. 莎娜要一袋咖啡豆干什么

    What does Shana want with a bag of beans ?

  28. 莎娜告诉我说你是练游泳的

    So , Shana was telling me that you swim ?

  29. 托比说莎娜只做过一件坏事

    Toby said the only thing that Shana was guilty of

  30. 你为什么突然问起莎娜

    Why are you asking me about Shana now ?