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  • 网络uncle
伯公 [bó gōng]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [fathers uncle]∶伯祖

  • (3) [husbands uncle]∶丈夫的伯父

  1. 当我们兄妹几人都还是小孩子的时候,埃贡伯公对我们来说是一个迷,因为不管他去哪里,都是他妻子坦特·埃丽卡(TanteErika)开车送他去。

    When my sister , brother and I were children , Onkel Egon was a curiosity to us because his wife , Tante Erika , drove him everywhere .

  2. 飞行器快速俯仰产生大迎角非定常气动力数学模型研究从客家社会伯公与大伯公信仰谈起,追究其在传统天神、地?与人鬼的信仰体系中的定位问题。

    On an Unsteady Aerodynamics Model for Pitching-Oscillating Body at High Angle of Attack Starting from Grand Uncle belief of Hakkas society , the author looks into its position in traditional belief system of heavenly god , earthly god and ghost .

  3. 客家社会的信仰文化不是单独存在,虽然“伯公”、“大伯公”等词的使用,是客家人特殊的用法,但是在信仰的内涵与意识上,还是整个汉人文化的延续与发扬。

    The belief culture of Hakkas society does not exist alone . The use of Grand Uncle , Elder Grand Uncle as special usage of Hakkas society is after all the continuation and the development of the culture of whole Han ethnic group in intension and consciousness of the belief .