
  • 网络burlington;Burlington, ON;bax;BTV
  1. 话说有个领班,叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,25岁,人精神抖擞讨大伙喜欢,一帮男人正跟着他在拉特兰到伯灵顿的新增铁路线上干活。

    A gang of men , under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman , 25-year-old Phineas P.Gage , was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad .

  2. 一伙工人正跟着他们的领班在拉特兰-伯灵顿铁路的新线路上干活。这位领班名叫菲尼斯·P·盖奇,二十五岁,他精力充沛,待人和气。

    A gang of men , under the direction of their energetic and likeable foreman , 25-year-old Phineas P. Gage , was working on a new line of the Rutland and Burlington railroad .

  3. 吉梭曼还是伯灵顿高中(BurlingtonHighSchool)的一年级新生时,就开始觉得“女生”甚至是“女同”的标签都不适合自己。

    While a freshman at Burlington High School , Gieselman began feeling that the label " girl , " even " lesbian , " didn 't fit .

  4. 他通过美国马萨诸塞州伯灵顿(Burlington)的教育中介机构美国剑桥国际教育(CambridgeInstituteofInternationalEducation)向圣玛丽中学提出了入学申请。美国剑桥国际教育负责为美国近150所学校在中国筛选学生。

    He applied through the Cambridge Institute of International Education of Burlington , Mass . , which vets applicants from China for nearly 150 U.S. schools .

  5. 伯克希尔控制着广泛的公司业务,包括铁路巨头伯灵顿北方圣塔菲铁路公司(BurlingtonNorthernSantaFe),以及从家居建材市场获利颇丰的其他公司。

    It owns a wide variety of businesses including railroad giant Burlington Northern Santa Fe and companies that benefit from home construction .

  6. 三年前,位于伯灵顿的佛蒙特大学(UniversityofVermont)开始尝试一些推进健康、可持续生活方式的“轻推”(nudge)举措。

    Three years ago , the University of Vermont in Burlington began to experiment with a few nudges towards a healthy , sustainable lifestyle .

  7. 美国伯灵顿佛蒙特大学的生态经济学家RobertCostanza表示,该项新研究将最终能为管理者提供生态恢复成本与收益方面的量化信息。

    Robert Costanza , an ecological economist at the University of Vermont in Burlington , says the new study will finally give managers quantitative information about the costs and benefits of restoration .

  8. 周四,巴菲特的伯克希尔哈撒韦公司同意收购美国第二大铁路运营商BNSF(伯灵顿北方圣太菲铁路运输公司)。

    On Tuesday his Berkshire Hathaway company agreed to buy the nation 's second-largest railroad , the Burlington Northern Santa Fe .

  9. 伦敦新开了两家香水店——蒙特街(MountStreet)99号的Creed和伯灵顿市场街(BurlingtonArcade,香水聚集地,在这里还能找到潘海利根(Penhaligon's)、香奈儿(Chanel)

    London has two new fragrance boutiques - Creed at 99 Mount Street and Frederic Malle at 14 Burlington Arcade ( a perfume hotspot where you 'll also find Penhaligon 's , Chanel and By Kilian ) - both of which offer free profiling .

  10. 佛蒙特州伯灵顿(Burlington)的咖啡机制造商Keurig在即将于2月初上市的99美元“超迷你”咖啡机上采用了该色彩。这款咖啡机是该公司体型最小的产品,每次可以制作一杯咖啡。

    Keurig , the Burlington , Vt. - based coffee-machine maker , is using the color on its $ 99 ' mini plus ' single-serving machine -- its smallest -- which is coming out in early February .

  11. 华盛顿州伯灵顿北方圣太菲铁路运输公司的两名工程师向这家铁路公司提起了诉讼。

    Two BNSF engineers in Washington state sued the rail company .

  12. 约翰杜威出生于1959年佛蒙特州伯灵顿。

    John Dewey was born in Burlington , Vermont , in eighteen fifty-nine .

  13. 芝加哥-伯灵顿-昆西铁路公司

    Chicago , Burlington and Quincy Railroad Company

  14. 威尔德摘得了第72届世界牛皮冠军赛的桂冠,该比赛的发起者是伯灵顿牛皮大王俱乐部。

    Weld is the winner of the72nd World Champion Liar Contest , sponsored by the Burlington Liars Club .

  15. 从布鲁克林到佛蒙特州的伯灵顿,当地人似乎已等待多年,急于秀出由他们演绎的伯尼。

    From Brooklyn to Burlington , Vt. , it seemed , locals had been waiting for years to debut their Bernie .

  16. 不过气候寒冷的城市在排行榜上名字就不怎么样了,其中缅因州的波特兰市排在最后一名,而佛蒙特州的伯灵顿市的得分情况也不佳。

    But cold-weather cities , including Portland , Maine which came in last and Burlington in Vermont , didn 't do as well .

  17. 波斯特是佛蒙特州伯灵顿市埃米利波斯特学院的礼仪推广机构的发言人。

    Says Anna Post , spokesperson for the Emily Post Institute , a promoter of etiquette and civility that 's based in Burlington , Vt.

  18. 由于巴菲特持有80家专注美国市场的公司的股票,包括伯灵顿北方铁路公司,他比大多数人都更了解美国经济。

    Buffett , because he owns 80 U.S. focused company companies , including railroad Burlington Northern , has a better view into the economy than most people .

  19. 但是奈芬和史密斯这套理论的出版受到了攻击,且在2013年,路易斯•范蒂尔博赫和提奥•梅登多普在《伯灵顿》杂志中发表评论,重申了自杀论调。

    But Naifeh and Smith were attacked for publishing their theory and in 2013 Louis van Tilborgh and Teio Meedendorp published a critical review in the Burlington Magazine , which reiterated the suicide narrative .