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bó zǔ
  • grand uncle;grandfather's elder brother;father's uncle
伯祖 [bó zǔ]
  • [father's uncle] 父亲的伯父

伯祖[bó zǔ]
  1. 有一天,杰克和斯特拉的伯祖母艾瑞斯奶奶和伯祖父哥德费雷爷爷来吃午饭。

    One day Jack and Stella 's Great-aunt Iris and Great-uncle Godfrey came to lunch .

  2. 张仲景跟同郡张伯祖学医,还学习以前的医学文献,同时还从别的地方收集到很多处方,最后写成医学名著《伤寒杂病论》。

    He learned medicine by studying from his townsfellow Zhang Bozu , assimilating from previous medicinal literature , and collecting many prescriptions elsewhere , finally writing the medical masterpiece Shanghan Zabing Lun .

  3. 取这个名字是为了向查尔斯王子的伯祖父兼导师蒙巴顿勋爵致敬。1979年爱尔兰共和军向他的渔船投下了一枚炸弹,蒙巴顿勋爵被杀害。

    The name serves as a tribute to Prince Charles ' great-uncle and mentor , Lord Mountbatten , who was killed in 1979 when the IRA placed a bomb in his fishing boat .

  4. 乘客简-艾伦的伯祖父在泰坦尼克号上遇难,当时他正度蜜月,简的伯祖母幸存了下来。简说,她不觉得这次纪念之旅令人毛骨悚然或者非常可怕。

    Passenger Jane Allen , whose great-uncle died on his honeymoon trip on the Titanic while her great-aunt survived , said she did not think it was ghoulish or macabre to go on the voyage .

  5. 张仲景从师同乡张伯祖学医。他汲取前人医学著作之所长,广泛于写出了传世巨著《伤寒杂病论》。

    He learned medicine from his townfellow Zhang Bozu , assimilating from previous medicinal literature , and collecting many prescriptions elsewhere , finally writing the medical masterpiece Shanghan Zabing Lun or Treatise on Febrile Diseases .

  6. 乘客简-艾伦的伯祖父在泰坦尼克号上遇难,当时他正度蜜月,简的伯祖母幸存了下来。简说,她不觉得这次纪念之旅“令人毛骨悚然或者非常可怕”。

    Passenger Jane Allen , whose great-uncle died on his honeymoon trip on the Titanic while her great-aunt survived , said she did not think it was " ghoulish or macabre " to go on the voyage .