
  • 网络BURTON;berton;Bourton
  1. 在电影中伯顿对弗思进行了精神分析,想要治愈他的抑郁症。

    The movie sees Burton psychoanalysing Firth to cure him of his depression .

  2. 伯顿的文章语言简洁,信息丰富。

    Burton 's text is concise and informative

  3. 我们在沃伯顿分了手。

    We parted in warburton .

  4. 所以在潘伯顿发明自己的饮料时,这种法国饮料正代表着一种流行趋势。

    So when Pemberton created his drink , it represented an ongoing trend .

  5. 那时候,古柯叶的萃取物与酒混合是一种常见的滋补品,而潘伯顿使用甜酒酿是一种规避当地法律棽售酒精饮料的方法。

    At the time , coca leaf extract mixed with wine was a common tonic , and Pemberton 's sweet brew was a way to get around local laws prohibiting the sale of alcohol .

  6. 对伯顿·R·克拉克《高等教育新论》的文本解读

    Understanding of Perspectives on Higher Education by Burton R. Clark

  7. 学术组织视野中的高等教育系统&伯顿·R·克拉克的高等教育系统观及其启示

    The higher education system from the perspective of academic organization

  8. 对企业行为加以斥责的做法始于1996年的《赫尔姆斯-伯顿法》(Helms-BurtonAct)。

    The practice of corporate reprimanding started with the Helms-Burton act of 1996 .

  9. 国际货币基金组织(IMF)亚太区主管大卫•伯顿(DavidBurton)将在下周一出席特委会首次会议。

    David Burton , head of the International Monetary Fund in Asia Pacific , will attend the first meeting next Monday .

  10. 20世纪80年代,伯顿在威辛顿女子学校度过了快乐的小学时光,她还记得学校的校训:“adlucem”——迎着光明。

    It 's worth remembering the motto at Withington Girls " School , where Burton was a happy pupil in the 1980s : " ad lucem " - toward the light .

  11. 她的丈夫大卫·伯顿(DavidBurdon)是她最好的朋友,他们有一对双胞胎女儿。

    Her husband , David Burton , is also her best friend , and they have twin girls .

  12. 伯顿提到的另一条理由是:只有在披露调查结果后,“凤凰四董事”(phoenixfour)所设立的一项旨在惠及当地人的信托基金才能够兑付。

    Another reason cited by Mr burden was that a trust fund set up by the Phoenix four to benefit local people would not pay out until the inquiry had revealed its findings .

  13. 伯顿说,要找C语言程序员时,他发现了在汉堡店工作的完美候选人,只是因为他在网上表达了对C语言的热情。

    According to Burton , when seeking programmers for the C computer language , he found a perfect candidate who was working in Five Guys flipping hamburgers , all because the individual was talking about his passion for C online .

  14. 迪士尼公司(Disney)出品的《爱丽丝梦游仙境》由蒂姆?伯顿(TimBurton)导演、约翰尼?

    ' Alice in Wonderland ' ( Disney ), directed by Tim Burton and starring Johnny Depp , placed second this weekend with $ 17.3 million .

  15. 伯恩斯坦(Bernstein)分析师马克斯?沃伯顿(MaxWarburton)辩称:“这些活动根本不可能实现20%的利润率,对任何地区的任何一家企业都是如此。”

    Max Warburton , analyst at Bernstein , argues : " Precisely none of these activities makes 20 per cent margins for anyone , anywhere . "

  16. 我们渴望改变、增长并将我们的传统发扬光大,这可以追溯到亚特兰大药剂师约翰彭伯顿(johnpemberton)发明可口可乐的初创时期。

    This eagerness to change and grow and build on our heritage goes back to our earliest days and the invention of Coca-Cola by John Pemberton , an Atlanta pharmacist .

  17. 我说的是蒂姆·伯顿(TimBurton)执导的《大眼睛》(BigEyes)。在该片中,艾米·亚当斯(AmyAdams)饰演的画家玛格丽特·基恩(MargaretKeane)的作品,被丈夫(克里斯托弗·沃尔兹[ChristophWaltz]出演)署上了自己的名字。

    I 'm referring to the director Tim Burton 's " Big Eyes , " with Amy Adams as Margaret Keane , the painter whose husband ( Christoph Waltz ) took credit for her work .

  18. Krupp钻石是为了弥补打乒乓球时他打她的事实。泰勒伯顿钻石则是因为一个晚上,他嘲笑泰勒的手。

    The Krupp came for beating her at ping-pong , the Taylor-Burton because , one night , he had insulted her hands .

  19. 她穿的每件衣服都销售一空。她穿着由执掌AlexanderMcQueen的莎拉·伯顿设计的婚纱也被认为是英国时尚界的重要一笔。

    Almost every item of clothing she wears sells out , and her wedding dress , by Sarah Burton of Alexander McQueen , was hailed an important moment for British fashion .

  20. Zana的首席开发人员乔尔o伯顿是一名技能娴熟的编程人员和培训师,他还是一名性教育家,拥有女性研究学位(仅在旧金山)。

    Zana 's lead developer Joel Burton is a skilled programmer and trainer who is also a sex educator with a degree in women 's studies .

  21. 有种危难时刻的浪漫主义,就像勃朗特(Bronte)姊妹,就像希斯克厉夫(Heathciliff),被那只在他窗口抓挠的冰冷的死亡之手所困扰,就像猫头鹰、梦境与塞缪尔·泰勒·柯勒律治(SamuelTaylorColeridge)的诗句,伯顿曾经引用过他的诗。

    There was a sense of romanticism-in-crisis , of the Bronte sisters , of Heathcliff haunted by the cold hand of death scratching at his window , of owls , dreams and the poems of Samuel Taylor Coleridge , whom Burton cites .

  22. 《赫尔姆斯&伯顿法》引起的美加冲突文中给出了舵轮图helms的强协调标号。从而解决了该图类的协调性和强协调性。

    The U.S. - Canada Conflict Evoked by the Helms - Burton Act Strongly harmonious labeling of helms is given in this paper , and therefore , helms are harmonious and strongly harmonious .

  23. 代理治安官伯顿会协助你腾空房子。

    Deputy sheriff Burdon will assist you in vacating the property .

  24. 伯顿内心的黑暗更隐蔽,也更令人惊讶。

    Burton 's darkness is more masked , almost more surprising .

  25. 伯顿暂停讲述故事,转向我。

    Pausing in his story , Burton turned to me .

  26. 这就是罗伯顿讲过的,冥想。

    This is the kind of mindfulness meditation Roberto was talking about .

  27. 凯特.伯顿以及她的父亲休.伯顿和母亲海伦.伯顿都没有收到伤害。

    Kate Burton , her father Hugh and mother Helen were unharmed .

  28. 如果你想要一张便宜的票,伯顿正是你要找的人。

    If you want a cheap ticket , Burton is your man .

  29. 每天下午护士来为伯顿小姐推拿。

    The nurse came to massage Miss Burton every afternoon .

  30. 伯顿家的浪漫故事是许许多多的社会新闻专栏作者最喜欢的写作材料。

    The burtons'romance was food and drink to a thousand gossip columnists .