
  • 网络Entebbe;ebb
  1. 位于乌干达恩德培市的乌干达病毒研究所进行的实验室调查证实了埃博拉病毒(苏丹埃博拉病毒)。

    Laboratory investigations at the Uganda Virus Research Institute ( UVRI ), Entebbe , Uganda confirmed Ebola virus ( Sudan species ) .

  2. 调查了乌干达坎帕拉和恩德培的售药点的药品过期的严重程度以及主要原因。

    We investigated the extent of , and the main contributing factors to , expiry of medicines in medicine supply outlets in Kampala and Entebbe , Uganda .

  3. 威康信托基金会国际参与奖最近给予的资助金将帮助该项目扩大到恩德培和坎帕拉地区更多的社区和村庄。

    A recent grant from the Wellcome Trust International Engagement Award will help the project to expand to more communities and villages within the Entebbe and Kampala areas .