
ēn chǒnɡ
  • grace;imperial favor
  • show special favor to a minister
恩宠 [ēn chǒng]
  • [special kindness of a ruler] 恩惠与宠爱

  1. 他是一个罪人,承蒙上主的恩宠才得以拯救。

    He was a sinner , redeemed by the grace of God .

  2. 万福,充满恩宠者,上主与你同在。

    Rejoice , full of grace , the Lord is with you !

  3. 他们使他备受恩宠

    They load him with favors .

  4. 施与很多爱,上帝的恩宠也会与你形影不离。

    You will find that the more love you share , the more God ’ s love will surround you .

  5. 称义的恩典不是一种实体,而是那不配得的神的恩宠。

    Justifying grace is not a substance but unmerited divine favor .

  6. 微笑对人类之赐予有如阳光对花朵之恩宠。

    What sunshine is to flowers , smiles are to humanity .

  7. 他有时把我抬出来夸奖一番以示恩宠。

    He occasionally singled me out for a display of favor .

  8. 当幸运儿自夸承蒙了神的恩宠时,神顿觉羞愧。

    God is ashamed when the prosperous boasts of his special favor .

  9. 我用全然的、无条件的、充分的爱,恩宠自己。

    I love myself totally , wholly , and fully .

  10. 美德不是上天赐予的礼物,不是神灵恩宠的表现。

    Virtue is not a gift , a sign of the gods'favor .

  11. 天人从此长融洽,恩宠平安被万方!

    Peace on Earth and mercy mild , God and sinners reconciled .

  12. 宫廷里挤满了力求恩宠的年轻人。

    The court was thronged with young men for favours .

  13. 摩根一家曾备受国王恩宠。

    The Morgans used to bask in the favour of the king .

  14. 他以恩宠所赐的真正粮食,来自内心的领悟。

    The actual provisions of His grace come from the inner vision .

  15. 蒙上帝恩宠,他们免於一死。

    By the grace of God their lives were spared .

  16. 我由于出色的工作赢得了我老板的恩宠。

    I 've won my boss 's favor owing to my outstanding work .

  17. 他们家的孩子都很受人恩宠。

    Every child in his family is in good graces of other people .

  18. 当生命失去恩宠的时候,请赐我以欢歌。

    Whengrace is lost from life , come with a burst of song .

  19. 使我配得上你那缱绻的恩宠。

    To show me worthy of thy sweet respect :

  20. 一种恩宠之感,一道静静的白光之中,

    By a grace of sense , a white light still and moving ,

  21. 赖阿胡拉马兹达之恩宠,列国谨遵寡人的法令;

    By the grace of Ahuramazda these lands have conformed to my decrees ;

  22. 布施(服务)拥有两份恩宠,他使施、受双方一同快乐。

    Service is twice blessed , making the giver and the receiver happy .

  23. 这样的恩宠太过分了,不能容忍。

    The favour was too much to bear ;

  24. 他们使他备受恩宠(荣誉)。

    They load him with favours / honours .

  25. “上帝的恩宠选择了我,在这一刻领导(美国)。”

    " Chosen by the grace of God to lead at that moment . "

  26. 他的维也纳厨娘也受他的恩宠。

    He also favored his Viennese diet cook .

  27. 日本对张艺谋的恩宠

    Favor of Zhang , Yimou in Japan

  28. 当她这样作,王的权柄与恩宠传递给她,浓厚如有形有质的液体充满她全人每部份。

    It appeared like a tangible thick liquid that filled every part of her being .

  29. 大公爵高兴极了,把宫廷的恩宠赐给这位神童。

    The grand duke was delighted and bestowed the favor of the court on the prodigy .

  30. 你若认真看待自己亲手制作的仪式,就会蒙神恩宠。

    If you bring the right earnestness to your homemade ceremony , God will provide the grace .