
jí yuē
  • intensive
集约 [jí yuē]
  • [intensive] 农业上指在同一土地面积上投入较多的生产资料和劳动,进行精耕细作,用提高单位面积产量的方法来增加产品总量

集约[jí yuē]
  1. 这个地区的集约化农业使得土壤严重贫瘠化。

    Intensive farming in the area has caused severe degeneration of the land .

  2. 按传统方式饲养的家畜比集约饲养的长得慢。

    Traditionally reared animals grow more slowly than those reared under intensive farming conditions .

  3. 集约饲养把奶牛变成了生产牛奶的机器,每天差不多要挤出25升到40升的牛奶。

    Factory farming has turned the cow into a milk machine , producing anything from 25 to 40 litres of milk per day

  4. 农业生产开始转向集约化。

    Farming is beginning to be intensified .

  5. 《规划纲要》提出的发展目标包括:到2035年,基本建成便捷顺畅、经济高效、绿色集约、智能先进、安全可靠的现代化高质量国家综合立体交通网。

    By 2035 , the country 's transport network should be convenient , cost-effective , green , intelligent and safe .

  6. ERP财务管理系统作为企业提高财务管理水平的有效手段之一,对供电企业实现财务集约化、信息化,提高经济效益都有着现实和深远的意义。

    ERP financial management system as enterprises to improve the financial management level one of the effective means of , the power supply enterprise to realize financial information intensive , improving economic efficiency has a real and profound significance .

  7. 基于RS技术,构建与之相适应的评价指标体系和评价标准,对石家庄市城市土地集约利用潜力进行评价,并对其中的一些理论和技术问题进行了探讨。

    This paper bases on RS , establishes the index system and standard of macro evaluation , evaluates the urban land use intensification potential of Shijiazhuang , and discusses some theory and technology problems in the process .

  8. 论述了ERP实施与企业基础管理的关系及ERP在企业管理中发挥的重要作用,说明ERP是企业进行集约化管理的基础。

    This paper discuses on the relationship between the implement of ERP and enterprise 's fundamental management , expounds the important function of ERP in enterprise 's management , and points out that ERP is the foundation of enterprise 's intensive management .

  9. 介绍了基于GIS和RS技术的土地集约与节约利用研究,根据城市土地利用现实情况及其发展趋势,分析土地集约利用潜力评价信息系统。

    This paper introduces the intensive and economical utilization of land based on GIS and RS technologies , and according to the practical situation and developing trend of the urban land utilization , analyzes on the potential evaluation information system for the intensive utilization of land .

  10. 公交导向发展(TOD)是资源节约、环境友好、土地集约型的精明增长方式,是我国大都市发展的战略选择和必由之路。

    Transit-Oriented Development ( TOD ) is a resource-con - serving , environment-friendly , land-intensive , and growth-smart de - velopment pattern , and is a strategic choice and the only way for metropolitan development in China .

  11. 离心式排种装置高效集约式净化设备处理矿井水

    Development of efficient and intensive purifying equipment for mine drainage treatment

  12. 天津经济技术开发区土地集约利用与经济增长关系

    Relationship Between Intensive Land Resources Exploitation and Economic Development in TEDA

  13. 中国农业现代化之路&现代集约持续农业

    The Road for China 's Agriculture Modernization & Integrated Sustainable Agriculture

  14. 基于I/O的黑盒测试用例集约简技术改进

    Improvement of black-box test reduction method with I / O analysis

  15. 突破体制约束走集约型城市化道路&兼论顺德市城市现代化中的农村体制改革

    To break through the restriction from system and advance intensive urbanization

  16. 沿海特大型桥梁集约化建设理念与创新

    Philosophy of Intensive Construction and Innovation of Coastal Very Long Bridges

  17. 集约化水产养殖水质预警系统的设计与实现

    Design and Implementation of Intensive Aquaculture Water Quality Early Warning System

  18. 6种消毒剂对集约化猪场大肠杆菌病的预防效果

    Prophylactic Effect of Six Disinfectants on Colibacillosis in Intensive Pig Farm

  19. 区域城市土地集约利用挖潜及模式研究

    Research on Potential and Models of Regional Urban Land Intensive Use

  20. 关于我国集约可持续农业发展道路的思考

    Thinking on the Development Way of Intensive Sustainable Agriculture of China

  21. 关于建构我国集约型园林体系的思考

    Thinking about the Construction of Intensive Landscape Architecture System in China

  22. 设施农业已经成为高度集约化的农业生产技术。

    Facility agriculture has become highly centralized agricultural production technology .

  23. 作大作强,扩大企业规模,提高市场集中度,实行集约化生产与现代企业经营;

    To enlarge enterprise scale and raise market concentration degree ;

  24. 国外松工业用材林高效集约栽培模式

    High-efficiency Intensive Culture of Industrial Timber Forest of Exotic Pines

  25. 长期以来,中国虽然在集约耕作上积累了不少经验,但也存在不少问题。

    Abundant experience has been accumulated , but there also exist problems .

  26. 我国大城市土地集约利用评价研究

    Research on the Evaluation of Land Intensive Utilization in Megalopolis of China

  27. 集约生产计划问题参数规划模型的转换与分解算法

    Transformation and Decomposition Algorithm for Parametric Programming Model of Aggregate Production Planning

  28. 集约持续农业是中国与发展中国家较好的选择。

    Similar to many LDC , Chinese agricultural modernization is Intensive-Sustainable agriculture .

  29. 新疆各地区建设用地集约利用比较评价

    Evaluation of Intensive Land Utilization of All Distracts in Xinjiang

  30. 红松人工林的培育试论森林集约经营

    CULTIVATION AND DEVELOPMENT OF Pinus koraiensis PLANTATION Discuss on forest intensive management