
jí zhōnɡ zhù yì
  • Concentrate attention;rivet on;rivet sb.'s attention on
  1. focuson把焦点对准,集中注意…请把你的精力放到学习上,而不是放到业余爱好上。

    Please focus on your studies and not on your hobbies .

  2. 方法运用集中注意法对82名LD儿童和90名正常儿童进行汉语短故事分听研究。

    Method 82 learning-disabled children and 90 normal controls were administered Chinese stories via focused attention task .

  3. 分散和集中注意条件下的Stroop效应:意识的影响

    Stroop Effect under Divided vs. Focused Attention : the Influence of Consciousness

  4. 照Livingstone所说,当我们在注视一个人的脸时,我们经常都会集中注意在Ta的眼睛。

    When we look at a person 's face , according to Livingstone , we usually focus centrally on the eyes .

  5. 不是很容易,但是我会集中注意。

    It 's gonna be tough , but I 'll focus .

  6. 你所需要集中注意的就是这个全体区域。

    This general area is all that you need to focus on .

  7. 集中注意粗略地等同于控制加工。

    Focus the attention of roughly equivalent to control processing .

  8. 我们曾主要集中注意双原子分子的电子基态。

    We have concentrated on the ground electronic states of diatomic molecules .

  9. 集中注意闪光的物体也会增加其影响。

    Focusing attention on a flashing object would also increase its effect .

  10. 集中注意空气进出你的身体。

    Focus on the air moving in and out of your body .

  11. 其实你真正需要的只不过是安静下来,集中注意。

    What is really needed is simply to get quiet and pay attention .

  12. 我都听不见我自己在想什么(完全无法集中注意)。

    I couldn 't even hear myself think .

  13. 集中注意在我手上。

    Concentrate on the touch of my hand .

  14. 我们集中注意在不活跃教友的工作上。

    We are focusing on less active work .

  15. 请集中注意听老师在课上讲。

    Please to the teacher in class .

  16. 这样做同样可以向倾诉者表明你集中注意听他说话了。

    Doing these things will also demonstrate to the speaker that you are paying attention .

  17. 要进入状态并持续下去,集中注意于此时此地。

    To keep in your zone , stay zeroed in on the here and now .

  18. 指导语的使用非常重要,应使被试集中注意于所听的音乐。

    Instructions to participants are important because it can make participants concentrate on the music .

  19. 他们集中注意红军的主力在哪里。

    Their attention was fixed on the whereabouts of the main force of the Red Army .

  20. 男生和女生最常使用的策略都是自我激励和集中注意。

    Both male and female listeners in this study employ self-encouragement and directed attention most frequently .

  21. 集中注意跟着唱我想买一件衬衫给我父亲。

    Time to Wrap up Chant along . I want to buy a shirt for my father .

  22. 用集中注意法对抑郁症患者进行押韵汉字的分听研究

    The Dichotic Listening Research for Different Chinese Rhyming Words in Patients with Major Depressive Disorder by Focused Attention

  23. 要集中注意听,不要只当背景音乐,要让音乐激发你。

    But listen to it mindfully , not just as background music but the music that inspires you .

  24. 初级学生最常使用的策略有自我激励和集中注意,其次是提问和选择注意。

    Elementary students use self-encouragement and directed attention most often , then followed by questioning and selective attention .

  25. 如果太紧张有可能无法集中注意,那就做一次深呼吸,想像自己处于一种安静的环境。

    When stress threatens your concentration , take a deep breath and picture yourself in a calm environment .

  26. 这对你的大脑和身体的运作有好处并且有利于你上课集中注意。

    This will help keep your brain and body functioning well , and help you to concentrate in lessons .

  27. 这些促使你集中注意于即从时间上又从语言学上等不同角度去观察事情。

    These force you to focus and to look at things in different ways , both spatially and linguistically .

  28. 潜水员的工作责任心与记忆广度测试成绩有显著相关,提示工作态度影响记忆这项需集中注意的作业;

    The work responsibility was markedly related to memory span score , indicating that work attitude influences the attention work .

  29. 集中注意于你下一步要做的,你怎样实现你的想法。

    Focus on what you 're going to do next and how you 're going to make your ideas work .

  30. 当你从事商业工作的时候,你必须集中注意在任务上,不要被情绪控制。

    When you 're doing business , you gotta stay focused on the task and keep your emotion out of it .