
  • 网络psychological element;psychological factors
  1. 价值心理要素在育人中的主导地位

    The Leading Position of the Value Psychological Element in Education

  2. 青少年道德心理要素发展的不平衡性凸现;

    The double-tendency of moral psychological elements development of adolescents becomes apparent ;

  3. 例如,PhilipLewis(2005)就特别强调,雇佣关系中还应当包括心理要素。

    For example , philip lewis ( 2005 ) specially emphasized psychological factors should have been included in employment relations .

  4. 中国高校师生审美心理要素比较分析

    A Comparative Study on Aesthetic Mental Elements of University Teachers and Students in China

  5. 期待可能性理论的条件包括事实要件和价值要件。前者由客观要素和心理要素构成;

    Application condition of expectant possibility theory is including factual condition and value condition .

  6. 音乐表演者阐释作品的心理要素

    Psychological Qualities of Musical Performers in Interpreting Works

  7. 第二部分通过系统分析各种心理要素在科技创造中的作用,展示了创新型科技人才创造心理的构成。

    The second part brought forth the composing of creative psychology of the creative talents .

  8. 而在心理要素中,感觉因素是歌唱者心理活动的基础。

    Moreover , the feeling factor is the foundation of the psychical activity of a singer .

  9. 论体育审美的心理要素

    On Mental Factors of Sports Esthetics

  10. 诗中意象是诗人内在心理要素,特别是艺术想象的产物。

    Image in a poem is the product of the poet 's internal psychological elements , especially his artistic imagination .

  11. 因此人的状态是由各种力量决定的:在内是通过心理要素,在外则通过自然的、环境的和依照情况而定的影响。

    Man is therefore conditioned by diverse forces-inwardly through psychological factors and outwardly through physical , environmental , and circumstantial influences .

  12. 大学生遭受挫折有着各种主客观原因,创新素质也有内在的心理要素。

    There are both subjective and objective reasons for university students undergoing frustrations . Innovative quality consists of inner psychological elements .

  13. 远古先民在自然生存中自发的寻求一种庇护与心灵的宁静,这就是原始神话产生的心理要素。

    That person who spontaneously seek a refuge with the peace of mind , so the original myth of psychology factor has .

  14. 择业观念是诸多心理要素的集合,这些要素与就业机会和就业质量之间的关系究竟如何,尚缺少深入的理论分析和实证研究。

    How the relationship between these elements and employment opportunities and quality of employment is still a lack of theoretical analysis and empirical research .

  15. 从经济社会结构、人文景观和文化心理要素等侧面反映出的乡土特质,从整体上体现为人类与自然关系的高度协调。

    Rural nature , reflected from the economic and social structure , cultural landscape and social mentality , implies high coordination between human and nature .

  16. 在医疗及护理工作中,态度是不可忽视的心理要素,在不同程度上影响着医疗及护理效果。

    Therefore , it is vitally important in medical treatment and nursing and affects more or less on the effect of medical treatment and nursing .

  17. 无论是对于普通的音乐听众,还是对于音乐的专家来说,感情体验都是在进行音乐欣赏时不可缺少的一种心理要素。

    This is the basic demand for a persopn to appreciate music , which is an indispensable essential Psychological factor in the process of enjoying music .

  18. 而团队成员所具备的不同的心理要素,将会影响他们处理信息的方式,也会影响整个团队的效能。

    And different psychological factors of team members will influence the way they deal with the information , also affect the efficiency of the whole team .

  19. 作为社会中的一个特殊群体,未成年人在认知、需求、情感、意志和动机五个主要心理要素方面都与成年人有着显著的区别。

    As a special social group , juvenile people are different from the adult in such five essential psychological factors as cognition , demand , emotion , will and motive .

  20. 例外的前提是先存在一般,既然历史性水域权利同样具备物质要素和心理要素,就难以称之为例外。

    The premise of exception requires the existence of general practice . For historic water rights also require the physical and psychological factors , we cannot call it an exception .

  21. 在修正后的犯罪论体系中,犯罪过失的心理要素、规范要素和伦理要素应分别纳入犯罪主观要件、犯罪客体要件和犯罪主体要件。

    In the amended system of criminal theory , the psychologic element , canonical element and ethical element should be respectively put in subjective elements , object elements and subject elements .

  22. 期待可能性理论与规范责任论、心理要素(故意、过失)之间具有密切的联系。

    In this article , the nature of anticipated possibility is induced from the relationship between anticipated possibility and the theory of regulated responsibility , Psychological elements ( intention or negligence ) .

  23. 服装商品企划是充分应用了市场营销学原理,把消费者潜在的需求与欲望等抽象的心理要素,用具体的商品表现出来。

    The layout of garment commodity is to express concretely abstract psychological factors such as potential demands and desires of customers in the form of commodity by applying the principle of marketing .

  24. 通过对怀旧的心理要素、发生机制以及表现形态等方面的分析,总结出怀旧的美学特征,挖掘其与内审美这种特殊审美类型之间的关系。

    Mental element of nostalgia , the analysis of the mechanisms and manifestations occur , summed up the aesthetic characteristics of nostalgia , mining the relationship between and within the aesthetic of this particular aesthetic type .

  25. 第二章从学生进行音乐欣赏的心理学角度阐述音乐审美所涉及到的心理要素,包括音乐审美感知、音乐审美想象、音乐审美情感和音乐审美理解。

    Chapter ⅱ will expound the psychological elements involved in musical aesthetic from students ' music appreciation psychology perspectives , which includes musical aesthetic perception , musical aesthetic imagination , musical aesthetic emotion and musical aesthetic understanding .

  26. 马克思主义认为推动社会发展的动力是一个由多种要素构成的动力系统,其中包括经济要素、上层建筑要素、社会心理要素,三者相互作用融为一体,构成了社会发展动力机制。

    Marxism suggests that the power of social development is a dynamical system composed of many elements , including economy , superstructure and social mentality & the three parts interact to form a new power mechanism of social progress .

  27. 综合起来看,所谓身心和谐,就是健康的身体在实践活动中与知、情、意、行等心理要素协调互动,并随实践活动的发展而不断调整,达到最佳状态。

    Summing up , the so-called physical and mental harmony , is health body in practice and knowledge , feelings , meaning and travel psychological elements interact with practice , and coordinate the continuous development and adjust activities , achieves the best state .

  28. 从基本要素的分析来看,作文教学中写作主体意识不仅是各种心理要素的综合,也是一种文化素养的综合,还是一种贯穿于作文教学诸环节的各种写作行为意识的综合。

    According to the analysis of basic factor , the consciousness of writing subject not only is synthesized from psychological factor and from artistic appreciation , but also is synthesized from the self-sense of writing action that run through every link of teaching composition .

  29. 而歌唱平衡的获得,则必须经过较长时间的有意识的心理要素的指导与调节,不停的进行生理的磨练,最终达到一个心理要素调节下的各要素平衡完美的歌唱艺术境界。

    The singing was balanced , it must be a long-time conscious of the mental elements of guidance and regulation , the conduct of non-stop physical temper , and ultimately achieving a mental element of adjustment under the perfect balance between the various elements of singing art realm .

  30. 结合犯罪过失的事实特征和评价目的,犯罪过失应当包括三大要素:心理的要素、伦理的要素和规范的要素。

    According to the factual characters and the evaluated intention of criminal negligence , it should include the elements of psychology , ethic and criterion .