
  • 网络Psychology Review;The Psychological Review
  1. 将于2014年发表在《学校心理学评论》(SchoolPsychologyReview)上的一项研究报告显示,一个由122名小学生组成的小组在接受了为期一周的有关付出的课程后,感恩心态有所增强。

    Among a group of 122 elementary school kids taught a weeklong curriculum on concepts around giving , gratitude grew , according to a study due to be published in 2014 in School Psychology Review .

  2. 临床儿童与家庭心理学评论

    Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review

  3. 个性与社会心理学评论

    Personality and Social Psychology Review

  4. 这些研究结果刊登在美国心理学会出版的《普通心理学评论》三月号上。

    These findings appear in the March issue of Review of General Psychology , published by the American Psychological Association .

  5. 并未参与此项目的英国斯特灵大学的心理学教授安东尼·利特评论说,对于人们为什么会对面容姣好的对象特别优待,人们还没有彻底弄清楚原因。

    University of Stirling psychologist Anthony Little , who was not involved in the study told people , it was not entirely clear why we behave differently toward attractive people .

  6. 接着以年轻人的乐观精神,理查兹自己进而力图在心理学上建立文学评论的坚实基础。

    With the optimism of his youth , Richards himself went on to attempt a solid grounding of literary evaluation in the science of psychology .

  7. 本论文的贡献在于将分析心理学和认知心理学及文学评论中的原型概念,引用到产品设计领域,从原型的角度看待和评论产品设计。

    The contribution of this thesis is applies prototype to the field of product design .