
  • 网络Behavioral economics
  1. 随着行为经济学科的兴起,行为经济学开始引入意愿(即人性需要)这个与消费有关的心理变量。

    The rise of behavioral economics , which introduces the psychological variable of " willingness " related with consumption .

  2. 行为经济人有限理性的实现程度

    Behavioural Economic Man : Degrees of Realization of Limited Rationality

  3. 侦查行为经济效益探析

    An Analysis on Economic Benefits of Investigative Acts

  4. 部分行为经济家表示,环保人士会利好自然环境。

    Some behavioral economists argue that environmentalists would do well to appeal to our better natures .

  5. 把招商引资过程中的政府行为经济人格化,并引入市场经济主体运行相关理论加以分析。

    It is to personify the government behavior economically and to import the relative theories of market economy .

  6. 经济人假说和行为经济理论提出了人的行为的两种解释。

    " Rational-economic man " hypothesis and behavior economic theory propose two kinds of explanations of behavior of people .

  7. “(这就是为什么词语”绿色工作“总是频繁出现。)部分行为经济家表示,环保人士会利好自然环境。

    ( This is why we hear so much about " green jobs . ") Some behavioral economists argue that environmentalists would do well to appeal to our better natures .

  8. 文章建立了一个人口行为经济分析模型,在以往人口经济理论强调人口的生产-消费功能的基础上,加入人口的产权保护变量,重新构造家庭的人口决策目标函数。

    This paper creates a demographic-economic model considering the role of human property rights protection , which differs from traditional demographic-economic models that are only based on the production and consumption functions of population .

  9. 制度,制度行为与经济绩效&基于SCP范式的分析方法

    Institution , Institutional Conducts and Economic Performance & A Framework Based on SCP Paradigm

  10. 绩效审计,也称3E审计,是对被审计单位利用资源和组织行为的经济性、效率性和效果性的评价。

    Performance Audit , always referred as " 3E " audit , is an appraisal of the economics , efficiency and effect on the audit targets .

  11. 医疗服务提供者行为的经济激励方法及其作用分析

    The behavior of health service provider and its economical incentive methods

  12. 传统人口行为的经济分析:理论及实证

    Economic Analysis on Traditional Demographic Behavior : Theories and Empirics

  13. 证券交易行为的经济社会学分析

    On Securities Exchange Action : A View from Economic Sociology

  14. 当然,我可以看到这种行为的经济必要性。

    Of course , I can see the economic imperative for this .

  15. 贝克尔从人性出发对人类行为的经济分析解决了许多发展难题。

    Baker solved many development problems of economic analyses of human nature .

  16. 规范会计行为促进经济发展

    Standardizing the Financial Action for Promoting the Economic Development

  17. 企业安全投资行为的经济研究

    Investigating Enterprises ' Safety Investment Behaviors in Economic Method

  18. 对侦查行为进行经济分析的最终目的是要实现侦查资源的合理配置。

    Its ultimate goal is the realization of reasonable distribution of investigative resources .

  19. 公路投资行为与经济发展之间具有典型的互动作用。

    There exists a typical mutual promotion between highway investment and economy improvement .

  20. 重庆市居民金融投资行为与经济增长研究

    Study on Private Financial Investment of Chongqing Households and Economic Development in Chongqing

  21. 投标人失信行为的经济分析

    Economic analysis on breaking promise of bidder in project bid invitation and bidding

  22. 企业政治行为:经济与组织对其影响的研究

    Corporate Political Behaviors : Economic and Organizational Influences

  23. 西部地方政府行为与经济增长

    Behavior of Western Local Government and Economic Growth

  24. 乡城流动人口生育行为的经济分析

    Economic Analysis on the Reproduction Behavior of Floating Population between Urban and Rural Areas

  25. 社会、行为与经济科学局

    Directorate for Social , Behavioral and Economic Sciences

  26. 政府的市场行为是经济有效的。

    The government 's market conduct is efficient .

  27. 储蓄行为的经济计量研究,不论在理论上还是实践中,都遇到了很多困难。

    Econometric studies of saving behavior have foundered on both conceptual and practical difficulties .

  28. 企业广告行为的经济分析

    An economic analysis of enterprise advertising behavior

  29. 最后分析了市场结构、企业行为与经济绩效三者之间的关系。

    Chapter five analyzes the inner links among market structure , corporation conduct and performance .

  30. 我国农户消费行为的经济分析

    Economic Analysis of Chinese Villagers ' Consumption