
  • 网络Administrative expenditure;Administration Expenditure
  1. 财政困境下的行政管理支出规范

    On the Administrative Expenditure Standardization under the Difficult Financial Position

  2. 我国行政管理支出中所造成的巨大的浪费,要从制度上加以杜绝,首先必须尽快建立一整套严格、细致的“绿色采购”制度。

    A strict and complex system must be taken to root out the enormous waste caused by administrative expenditure as soon as possible .

  3. 提高行政管理支出使用效率。

    Improve the efficiency of expenditure for government administration .

  4. 我国行政管理支出超常增长的实证研究

    Empirical Study of Administration Expenditure Transnormal Growth in China

  5. 研究目的主要有四点:首先,对行政管理支出的研究有重大现实意义。

    The purpose of the study has three factors : in the first place , there is a major practical significance .

  6. 行政管理支出与城市化水平正相关。短期来说,我国的经济增长和城市化水平都有惯性上升的趋势,其它变量的波动对其影响不显著;

    In the short-term , Chinas economic growth and urbanization level have inertia rising tendency and the other variables'influence is not remarkable ;

  7. 从实证角度来分析乡镇财政支出事权的重心,即教育支出和行政管理支出的定量关系,并对教育、行政管理费支出的弹性进行了分析。

    This paper , from the empirical angle , analyzes the quantitative relationship and the elasticity of educational expenditure and administrative management expenditure .

  8. 行政管理支出是由财政提供经费来源的,为政府实行社会管理所需要的一系列支出,主要产生于行政单位。

    Administrative expenses is provided by the financial sources of funds for the government of a series of social spending , mainly produce in the administrative units .

  9. 提高经济建设支出、社会文教支出和国防支出的比例,减少行政管理支出和其他类支出的比例;

    Raise proportion of economic construction , the social , cultural and educational development and national defense , reduce the one of administration expense and other expenditure ;

  10. 因此,研讨行政管理支出的合理范围,不仅有助于节约型政府的构建,其对构建资源节约性社会也有积极意义。

    Therefore , to research administrative expenses on a reasonable scale , not only help to save the government building , but also help to construct a resource-saving society .

  11. 第二部分,把我国行政管理支出的数额与其他国家进行比较,分析到底是什么导致我国行政管理成本过高。

    In the second part , the paper compares our amount of administrative expenses with that of other countries and analyzes what at the end lead to the high administrative cost .

  12. 最后,对我国政府行政管理支出合理范围做出相应的价值判断,并在此基本上提出了确保政府行政管理支出范围合理的政策建议。

    Finally , to make a value judgments of a reasonable scale of the corresponding as Chinese government administrative expenses in the future , and need to develop some reasonable policy recommendations .

  13. 社会文教支出、行政管理支出和其他支出的产出弹性为负,即此三类支出与经济增长负相关。

    Social cultural and educational expenses , administration expenses and other expenses for the negative output flexibility , that is , these three sorts of expenditures had negatively correlated with economic growth .

  14. 本文采用定量的研究方法,研究自变量(公共支出的民生项目支出满意度、行政管理支出满意度以及公民税收负)和因变量(政府支出效果)之间的关系。

    By applying quantitative research methods , this paper studies the relationship between independent variable ( Public program expenditure satisfaction , administrative expenditure satisfaction and citizen tax pressure ) and dependent variable ( government expenditure effect ) .

  15. 行政管理支出与前两者相比,对河北省城乡统筹发展水平的贡献来要小一些,而农业支出的贡献最小。

    Administrative expenses as compared with the previous two , the contribution to co-ordinate the development level of urban and rural areas in Hebei Province is smaller , while the contribution of agricultural spending is the smallest .

  16. 与财政困境并存的行政管理支出过度增长已成为我国当前财政所面临的严重问题。其主要成因在于:政府职能定位不明确造成行政管理机构与人员的双膨胀;

    He author holds that excessive administrative expenditure is a serious problem to the national finance , which lies in the fact that the unclear positioning of the government functions results in unwieldy government organization and institutions .

  17. 财政支出结构中,经济建设、社会文教以及国防支出对经济具有显著的正效应,而行政管理支出以及其他支出对经济具有显著的负效应。

    At the structure of financial expenditure , economic construction , social culture and education , and defense spending on the economy has significant positive effect , while the administrative expenses and other expenses on the economy has significant negative effects .

  18. 地方财政支出结构的调整应从转变地方政府职能、调整建设性投入结构、改革政府机构、压缩行政管理支出、完善地方财政收入等几方面入手。

    The adjustment of local finance expenditure should be started as follows : changing the functions of the local government , adjusting the structure of constructive expenditure , innovating government organizations , cutting down the administrative expenditure , completing local finance revenue , etc.

  19. 第十三条为了武装力量的维持和行政管理的支出,公共赋税就成为必不可少的;

    A common contribution is essential for the maintenance of the public forces and for the cost of administration .

  20. 浅析我国财政支出功能结构对公共财政的偏离&以行政管理费支出为分析视角

    On China finance payout function structure 's departure with public finance & Take administrative management fee payout as analysis angle

  21. 根据数据的可获得性,本文主要对农业支出、基本建设支出、文教科卫支出和行政管理费支出四类支出对经济增长的影响,以及各项支出冲击引起经济增长的响应函数进行了对比分析。

    According to data availability , this paper on agricultural expenditure , capital expenditure , health expenditures , Education , Science and administrative expenses for four categories of expenditure on economic growth , as well as the impact of the spending response function in economic growth were compared .

  22. 但应减少转移支出和行政管理费等财政支出,否则会影响经济增长的速度。

    Transfer expenditure and administrative management charge should be decreased in order to ensure the rate of economic growth .

  23. 行政单位部门预算是省级预算的重要组成部分,行政管理支出在整个政府预算支出中占较大比重。

    The administrative unit department budget is an important part of provincial budget , administrative expenses in the government spending represents a significant proportion .