
  • 网络Solution;industry solution
  1. 本论文用SOA解决企业实际问题,力图阐述一种行业解决方案。

    This article solves the enterprise practical issues with SOA and intend to demonstrate some industry solution .

  2. 有了SaaS模型,行业解决方案面市的时间就缩短了很多。

    Through the SaaS model , the time to market of the industry solution is very short .

  3. 他所关注的重要领域是开发IBM网格行业解决方案。

    A key areas of focus is developing IBM 's grid industry solutions .

  4. PaaS模型通常提供API来开发、测试和部署行业解决方案。

    The PaaS model usually provides APIs to develop , test , and deploy industry solutions .

  5. 我们来看看IBM服务架构师在创建实际的行业解决方案时是如何应用这五个步骤的。

    Let 's look at each of these five steps as they have been applied by IBM services architects when creating actual industry solutions .

  6. 你的案例研究可以用作市场和销售工具在IBM随需应变平台上为你的行业解决方案产生要求。

    Your case study can be used as a marketing and sales tool to generate demand for your industry solutions on IBM On Demand platforms .

  7. 对基于行业解决方案的BPM应用程序,解决方案构建周期的加速会被不可管理的复杂性所阻碍。

    For industrial solution-based BPM applications , the acceleration of solution construction cycles can be hindered by unmanageable complexity .

  8. ISV开发者和工程师把这些指导作为设计图来使用,以最大限度地利用他们的行业解决方案。

    ISV developers and architects use these guides as blueprints for maximizing investments in their industry solutions .

  9. 行业解决方案的PaaS:在这个模式中,PaaS和行业解决方案绑定在同一个云环境中。

    PaaS of an industry solution : In this pattern , both the PaaS and industry solution are bundled in the same cloud environment .

  10. 图3描述了行业解决方案的业务流程为中心的PaaS框架架构,用于支持上述的三个集成模式。

    Figure 3 depicts the architecture of a business process-centric PaaS framework for industry solutions to support all three of the above integration patterns .

  11. IaaS模型为行业解决方案的客户提供了基本的设施,特别是所需的硬件和带宽资源。

    The IaaS model provides the basic infrastructure , especially the required hardware and bandwidth resource , to the customer of the industry solutions .

  12. 行业解决方案上的PaaS:这个模式服务于那些倾向于在其行业解决方案边界上的PaaS中支持增值服务的行业。

    PaaS on an industry solution : This pattern serves those industries that tend to host value-added services in PaaS on the boundary of their industry solutions .

  13. 我们设计CloudLand,一个流程为中心的PaaS框架,来满足企业行业解决方案的需求。

    We designed CloudLand , a process-centric PaaS framework , to meet the requirements of an enterprise industry solution .

  14. 行业解决方案的架构和其中的PaaS使用根据企业或者特定于解决方案的应用程序场景、业务模型和企业架构不同而不同。

    The architecture of industry solutions and the use of PaaS in it varies according to the enterprise or solution-specific application scenario , business model , and enterprise architecture .

  15. 特别介绍了PaaS框架,同时您了解了在行业解决方案中使用云计算的需求,架构模式和实现技术。

    The PaaS framework , in particular , was introduced , and you learned about the requirements , architecture patterns , and implementation technologies for enabling cloud computing into industry solutions .

  16. 因此,为了最大化一个流程为中心的PaaS模型的好处,自定义行业解决方案模式的库可以和现成的可部署虚拟机模板一起在PaaS中预建。

    Therefore , to maximize the benefits of a process-centered PaaS model , a library with customizable industry solution patterns can be prebuilt in PaaS together with ready-made deployable virtual machine templates .

  17. 在这一模式下,只有部分组件和功能作为PaaS服务输出,而行业解决方案的剩余部分并不寄宿在云中。

    In such a pattern , only parts of the components or functionalities are exposed as PaaS services , while the rest of the industry solution is not hosted in the cloud .

  18. 另外,我们还分析和连接了一些潜在的服务提供者(现有应用程序、诸如IFW的行业解决方案框架或第3方软件包)。

    In addition , we also analyzed and linked in some potential service providers ( either existing application , industry solution frameworks such as IFW , or3rd party packages ) .

  19. 使用IaaS的行业解决方案拥有和传统交付方法相同的开发、测试和版本管理,但是他们可以充分地探索云计算的优势,包括解决方案的备份,以及硬件资源的全面使用。

    Industry solutions that utilize IaaS have the same development , test , and release management as any traditional delivery method , but they can fully exploit the advantages of cloud computing , including backup of the solutions and full usage of hardware resources .

  20. 摩托罗拉公司的商业、政府和行业解决方案事业部(制造类)

    Motorola Inc. Commercial , Government and Industrial Solutions Sector ( CGISS )

  21. 新的行业解决方案或许也在酝酿之中。

    New industry solutions may also be in the works .

  22. 业务重点为软件产品、行业解决方案及信息科技服务。

    The business focus encompasses software product , industry solutions and IT services .

  23. 行业解决方案及服务要确保领先性的支柱型业务。

    Industry solutions and services to ensure that the leading pillar of business .

  24. 行业解决方案的集成模式也有相应变化。

    Integration patterns with industry solutions also vary accordingly .

  25. 基于单件管理的造纸行业解决方案及系统

    The Piece Management-based ERP System Used for Paper-mill Enterprise

  26. 现在她专注于云计算和行业解决方案。

    She currently focuses on the areas of cloud computing and industry solutions .

  27. 云计算在云计算环境中将行业解决方案系统和设备连接在一起。

    Cloud computing connects industry solution systems and devices within the cloud computing environment .

  28. 由于有了领先的品牌和战略伙伴,我们在世界各地提供行业解决方案。

    With leading brands and strategic partnerships , we deliver industry solutions around the world .

  29. 行业解决方案模式的构建

    The building of industry solution patterns

  30. 本文是行业解决方案中应用云计算的系列文章的第1篇。

    This article is the first part of a series on enabling cloud computing in industry solutions .