
  1. 像IBM的深蓝计算机那样可以击败国际象棋大师的电脑不是专家。

    A computer such as IBM 's Deep Blue that can beat a world grandmaster is not an expert .

  2. 在1996年,IBM的“深蓝”计算机成为有史以来成为赢过卫冕世界冠军卡斯帕罗夫一盘棋的首部计算机。

    In1996 , IBM 's Deep Blue became the first machine ever to win even a single game against the reigning world champion , Garry Kasparov .

  3. N.Y.Campbell没有参与此次新研究,但他助力开发了一款叫做深蓝的计算机,并于1997年战胜了国际象棋冠军GarryKasparov。

    He did , however , help develop a computer called Deep Blue . In 1997 , it defeated world champion Garry Kasparov at chess .