
Creditors have officially approved the MGM restructuring plan that will put Spyglass Entertainment in charge of the studio , getting it moving once again .
This summer , Mr. Ballmer also pushed through a sweeping corporate reorganization that garnered mixed reviews inside and outside Microsoft .
Whitman told Re / Code Thursday that this is the last increase to job cuts as part of her restructuring plan .
As another example of reflexivity , the success of a reorganization plan for a bankrupt company may depend on certain values being realized by creditors .
The reinvention of General Motors includes both improving the competitiveness of our operations , but also , we absolutely must -- we can only win if we get the job done in revenues -- selling , marketing , selling great GM cars and trucks today , and selling great GM cars and trucks tomorrow and in the future .
The steel company carried through their plan to restructure all of their operations .
The company noted that these restructuring activities do not impact its Five Star business operations and growth plans .
For the fourth quarter , net profit was down as the company took a charge tied to a restructuring plan .
His successors will have to complete a radical restructuring plan aimed at repaying the billions of dollars in taxpayers ' funds that are propping the company up .
SEOUL ( AFP ) - Creditors , encouraged by a rebound in global demand for semiconductors , have worked out new restructuring plans to strengthen Hynix Semiconductor , bank officials said .
A restructuring programme , under which the company laid off 2,500 staff mostly outside China , cost it a total of $ 217m in the past fiscal year , and is expected to realise $ 300m in savings this year .
General Motors is facing up to its Pontiac line as part of its plans to cut 23000 jobs by 2011 . It 's part of its restruction plan to avoid bankruptcy . It will also be fewer car . GM plans to sell 13 fewer vehicles .
Agreement and Plan of Reorganization between American Unity Investments , Inc. and the Registrant .
ExxonMobil has rejected accusations of unfair treatment of the affected employees , insisting the workers fired under a reorganization plan received generous payouts .