
  • 网络government car;Official Car
  1. 公务用车体系是全世界普遍存在的一种制度系统,是为了保证政府公务活动的正常开展,由国家财政拨款购置车辆的一种制度。

    Official car system is a system of widespread all over the world , is to ensure the proper conduct of the Government Affairs activities , by national finance allocates funds .

  2. 本文通过对公务用车改革的分析,总结得出改革之所以难以推进的原因。一,公务用车改革没有触及到根本的制度。

    In this paper , through the analysis of the official car reform , summarize the cause of reform is to promote those . Fist , official car reform does not touch the fundamental system .

  3. 利用GPS全球卫星定位技术、无线通信技术、计算机网络与数据库技术等现代信息化手段,将公务用车管理纳入电子监察系统,建立快捷高效的公务用车管理信息系统平台。

    GPS global satellite positioning technology , wireless communication technology , computer network and database technology and other modern means of information , official vehicles management into the electronic monitoring system , establishment of efficient cars for official use management information system platform .

  4. 引入市场机制实行公务用车制度改革

    Introduce the Market Mechanism and Reform the System of the Car for Public Affairs

  5. 第三部分阐述省直单位公务用车管理的情况。

    The third part expounded conditions of official vehicle utilization management at provincial units .

  6. 深化三大主题认识,强化试验区改革探索政府公务用车改革探索

    Deepening the Cognition of Three Great Themes , Strengthening the Innovation Exploration of Experimental Region

  7. 政府公务用车成为人们关注焦点和热门话题已久。

    Government official cars has been the focus and hot topics for a long time .

  8. 内容提要公务用车制度改革一直是公共部门改革的一道难题。

    The reform of official vehicle system is one of puzzles in public sector reform .

  9. 公务用车及经许可的保供运输车可以自由通行不受限制。

    Official vehicles and licensed cars to carry supplies and offer free transportation are exempt .

  10. 负责清洁、保管及保养公司车辆.除公务用车在外,车辆应停放在公司指定地点。

    Clean and maintain car . Park the car in the given place in the company .

  11. 第四部分介绍省直单位公务用车管理存在的问题,并对问题进行分析。

    The fourth part introduced and analyses existing problems about official vehicle utilization management at provincial units .

  12. 第五部分对加强我省省直单位公务用车管理提出合理化的建议。

    The fifth part proposed some rational suggestions about how to strengthen official vehicle management for provincial units .

  13. 公务用车改造已成为人们普遍关注的暖点题目。

    Official vehicle-using system reform has become a hot issue that arouses great concern in today 's society .

  14. 并对改革的预期效果进行了分析,认为青海油田公务用车货币化模式改革是较为可行的。

    The feasibility of Qinghai oilfield official vehicles monetization reform is expected to be effect for official vehicle-using .

  15. 规范公务用车配备管理并积极推进公务用车制度改革。

    We will standardize the allocation and management of official cars and actively reform the system of their use .

  16. 公务用车改革已经成为社会普遍关注的热点问题之一。

    The reform of Official vehicle-using system has become one of the hot issues of common concern in society .

  17. 为了保障此次阅兵仪式,每天将有五分之四的公务用车禁止上路。

    Four-fifths of government vehicles are to be kept off roads each day leading up to the WWII commemoration .

  18. 第二部分主要是介绍国内外加强公务用车管理的具体做法。

    The second part mainly introduced detailed methods how to strengthen official vehicle used by national and foreign agencies .

  19. 同时,在公务用车货币化改革理论分析的基础上,有针对性的提出了青海油田公务用车改革的思路和方向、改革的模式选择和实施意见。

    The reform of official vehicles monetization is the selection and implementation suggestions of Qinghai oil field for official vehicle-using reform .

  20. 而如何管理政府公务用车,提高车辆的使用效率,降低车辆的使用成本,是摆在我们面前急需解决的一个现实问题。

    How to manage official vehicle , increase vehicle efficiency and decrease operation costs are practical problems faced to us for solving .

  21. 各级人民检察院应当保证检察人员出庭所需公务用车。

    The people 's procuratorates at all levels shall ensure the official vehicles as required by the appearance of procuratorial personnel in court .

  22. 此外,中央政府现已提议在采购公务用车时,禁止购买任何外国品牌、大排量或者豪华车型。

    And now Beijing has proposed banning the purchase of any car that is foreign , big or extravagant , for official vehicle fleets .

  23. 现在大环境、自身条件、客观条件都有利于沈阳市推行公务用车改革,改革的时机已经成熟。

    Now the environment , its own conditions , the objective conditions are conducive to the implementation of the reform . The time is ripe .

  24. 产生于计划经济时代的政府公务用车制度,曾经起到过很多积极的作用。

    The existing Government Public Vehicle-using System ( GPVS ) was born in the planned economy times , and had once produced many positive effects .

  25. 公务用车维护费用高、公车私用现象严重、使用效率低下、超编屡禁不止是目前中国公务用车的主要问题。

    High maintenance costs , official cars for private use , rare use , and excessiveness are four major problems in the current official car fleet .

  26. 在充分调研和反复论证的基础上,本项目方案提出了科技+管理的公务用车管理新路径。

    Full investigation and repeated demonstration on the basis of the project program management of the new path of official vehicles of the " Technology Management " .

  27. 公务用车作为国有资产,其归属权在国家,本应该为公务所用,不应用于非公务用途。

    Official cars as state-owned assets , and its ownership in the country , this should be used for official business , should not be used for non-official business purposes .

  28. 进行公务用车改革,早已成为各界人士普遍共识,但如何改革却始终难以破题。

    Car system reform has already become the common understanding of the people from all walks of life . But how to reform is always hard to " breaking title " .

  29. 公务用车在给党政机关公务人员带来便利的同时,也导致了公车资源的浪费、公车私用、公务人员腐败行为的加剧等多方面的问题。

    While official vehicles bring great convenient to the servants of government , they also caused the bus resources waste , use official vehicles for private purposes , aggravate corruption and so on .

  30. 对于确实需要保留的公务用车,可以参考国外的经验,从严管理,加大对占用公务用车行为的处罚力度。

    For the official business cars which really need to retain , we can make reference to overseas experience , manage strictly and intensify the punishment of occupation of the official business cars .