
  • 网络Renault;Renault SA;RJR
  1. 法国车企雷诺公司(Renault)及其达契亚品牌则在北非地区遥遥领先。

    French automaker Renault and its Dacia brand lead in North Africa .

  2. 1999年,法国雷诺公司(Renault)买下了日产的部分股权并重组了日产。

    At that time French automaker Renault bought a stake and reorganized the company .

  3. 他成名于雷诺公司拥有43%股权的日产汽车公司(NissanMotors)。

    He distinguished himself at Nissan motors , which is 43 % owned by Renault .

  4. 汽车制造商雷诺公司(Renault)展示了一辆电子赛车,令世界汽车迷兴奋不已。

    Car maker Renault demonstrated an electric race car , that trick excite automobile fans worldwide .

  5. 雷诺公司(RenaultSA)首席运营官卡洛斯•塔瓦雷斯上周四宣布离职。

    Carlos Tavares , chief operating officer of Renault SA and second-in-command to Carlos Ghosn , stepped down from his post on Thursday .

  6. 加拿大已同意向美国汽车三巨头提供额外的救助,法国也向该国汽车制造商雷诺公司(RenaultSA)和标致雪铁龙(PSAPeugeotCitroenSA)提供了援助。

    Canada has agreed to provide additional help to the Big Three , and France is offering aid to French car makers Renault SA and PSA Peugeot Citroen SA .

  7. 雷诺公司已经对涉嫌泄露其电动汽车商业机密的三名公司高管做了停职处理。

    The firm has suspended three managers who 've been accused of leaking secrets about its electric cars .

  8. 一月份,雷诺公司解雇了三名被指控出售公司机密的高管,不过随后就显示,这个决策是被骗子忽悠失误了。

    In January Renault sacked three executives for allegedly selling company secrets , but it soon emerged that it had been duped by fraudsters .

  9. 美国第二天烟草公司雷诺公司决定反击佛罗里达州陪审团做出的裁决,陪审团判决因肺癌而去世的烟民遗孀获得263亿美元的惩罚性赔偿。

    Nation 's No.2 tobacco company R. J. Reynolds has vow a fight of verdict from a Florida jury awarding 26.3 billion dollars as punitive damages to a widow of smoker who died of lung cancer .

  10. 烟草巨头雷诺美国公司(ReynoldsAmerican)请回了前任首席执行官苏珊o卡梅隆从5月1日开始重新领导公司,而上个月罗斯百货公司(RossStores)宣布首席商品官芭芭拉o兰特尔将出任首席执行官一职。

    Tobacco giant Reynolds American brought back former CEO Susan Cameron to lead the company effective May 1st and just last month Ross Stores announced Chief Merchandising Officer Barbara Rentler would take over the C-suite .

  11. 雷诺烟草公司总理事会称这一赔偿“远远超过必要的限度,也是佛罗里达州法律所不允许的”。NPR新闻,菲尔·莱斯曼迈阿密报道。

    The General Council for Reynolds called the damages quote " grossly excessive and impermissible under Florida law . " For NPR News , I 'm Phil Lasman in Miami .

  12. 法国雷诺汽车公司(renault)拥有44%股份的日产表示,此次裁员是其全面重组计划的一部分,重组旨在使公司渡过这次几十年来最严重的汽车行业低迷时期。

    Nissan , which is 44 per cent owned by Renault of France , said the cuts were part of a broad restructuring designed to carry it through the worst industry downturn in decades .

  13. 10年前,为拯救日产,雷诺汽车公司(RenaultAG)购买了日产的大量股份,之后,卡洛斯•戈恩接手日产,出任首席执行官。

    Perceptions have changed steadily during the tenure of Carlos Ghosn , who took over as chief executive officer more than a decade ago when Renault Ag bought a major stake in the automaker as part of a rescue effort .

  14. 这个变电站是雷诺能源公司的。

    This substation is owned by Renault energy .

  15. 佛罗里达州一陪审团判决雷诺烟草公司支付近240亿美元的惩罚性赔偿。

    A Florida jury has awarded nearly 24 billion dollars in punitive damages against R.J.Reynolds .

  16. 萨科齐总统是在雷诺汽车公司一个主要汽车厂的所在地杜埃市发表这个讲话的。

    The French president spoke in Douai , which is home to a major Renault car factory .

  17. 法院拒绝聆讯菲利普·莫里斯公司、雷诺烟草公司以及利吉特集团的上诉。

    The court refused to hear an appeal from Philip Morris , R.J. Reynolds and the Liggett Group .

  18. 奥驰亚将自己的营销力量带入了一个已经被较小的竞争对手雷诺美国公司占领的市场。

    Altria brings its marketing muscle to a market already occupied by its smaller rival , Reynolds American Inc.

  19. 雷诺美国公司还宣布,会计核算方式的变更将增加其全年的每股收益估计。

    Reynolds American also announced an accounting change that will increase its per-share earnings estimate for the full year .

  20. 在经济萧条时期,雷诺美国公司一直积极地将波迈卷烟作为更持久、更买得起的卷烟加以宣传促销。

    The company has been aggressively promoting Pall Mall as a longer-lasting and more affordable cigarette during the recession .

  21. 雷诺美国公司一般在每年年底分析其退休金和退休后计划的结果。

    Reynolds American generally analyzes its pension and post-retirement plan performance annually as of the end of the year .

  22. 使用该公司以前的会计方法,雷诺美国公司原来预计每股收益为2.63美元至2.68美元。

    Using the company 's previous accounting methodology , Reynolds American had expected $ 2.63 to $ 2.68 a share .

  23. 由于会计核算的变化,雷诺美国公司预计调整后的全年收益为每股2.77美元至2.82美元。

    As a result of the change , Reynolds American expects adjusted full-year earnings of $ 2.77 to $ 2.82 per share .

  24. 这是去年一季度相比的结果,当时,雷诺美国公司公布其商标价值出现大幅滑坡。

    That 's compared with a quarter a year earlier when the company posted big drops in the value of its trademarks .

  25. 在进行调整,扣除了与加拿大政府达成和解等一次性项目之后,雷诺美国公司每股收益1.11美元。

    Adjusted to exclude one-time items , such as a settlement with governments in Canada , Reynolds American earned $ 1.11 per share .

  26. 2001年,星科公司就一项防止烟草专有的亚硝胺形成的烟叶处理方法,对位于北卡罗来纳的雷诺美国公司的子公司雷诺烟草公司提起了诉讼。

    Star Scientific sued RJ Reynolds , a unit of North Carolina-based Reynolds American , in2001 over a method of treating tobacco to prevent the formation of tobacco-specific nitrosamines .

  27. 雷诺烟草公司决定对抗佛罗里达州陪审团的决定,陪审团判决雷诺公司赔偿因肺癌去世的烟民遗孀近240亿美元的惩罚性赔偿。

    R.J. Reynold is vowing to fight a Florida jury 's decision to award nearly 24 billion dollar 's in punitive damages to the widow of a smoker who died from lung cancer .

  28. 雷诺烟草公司高管杰弗里·拉伯恩称赔偿超过必要的限度,而代表烟民遗孀的律师则表示,判决向烟草制造商发出了一个强有力的信息,那就是他们不能再继续隐瞒香烟中含有的上瘾成分以及致命化学物质。

    R. J. Reynolds Company executive Jeffery Raborn calling the damage award " grossly " excessive , with the lawyer representing the woman whose husband died says the verdict sends a powerful message to tobacco makers , they cannot continue to lie of the addictiveness and deadly chemicals in their cigarettes .

  29. 最近雷诺日产联合公司(RenaultSA-NissanMotor)就宣布,为了减少公司对本国制造基地的依赖正在扩大公司在韩国的产量。

    The Renault SA-Nissan Motor alliance , for example , recently announced it is increasing production in South Korea to cut its reliance on Japan as a manufacturing base .

  30. 苏珊·卡梅伦——雷诺美国烟草公司(第329位)

    Susan Cameron - Reynolds American ( No. 329 ) 20 .