
  1. 因为雷电防护装置远程监测系统软件的运行平台为Microsoftwindows,所以本文主要基于COM技术,论述了系统软件中串口通讯、数据管理、报警显示及网络功能扩展几个模块的设计方法与具体实现。

    This article discusses design and implementation of the system software based on COM , including serial communication , data management , alarm show and the extension of network function because the platform of system software is Microsoft Windows .

  2. 雷电防护装置远程监测系统的主要功能类似防火、防盗等方面的自动报警系统,通过远程监测雷电警情能够有效减少雷电造成的各种损失。

    The remote thunder monitoring system can reduce the losses of thunders by monitoring thunder alarms remotely , which main function is similar with automatic alarm systems of fireproofing or guard against theft .