
  • 网络hatchback;liftback;Hot Hatch;Hatch-back
  1. 詹姆斯通常开一辆小巧的掀背车。

    James usually drives a little hatchback .

  2. 宝马(BMW)将于下周首次发布其新款1系列掀背车的正式图片。届时,这家德国汽车生产商将对驾车者不断改变的品位来一次豪赌。

    When BMW unveils the first official pictures of its new1-Series hatchback next week , the German carmaker will be taking a big gamble on the changing tastes of drivers .

  3. 观致有掀背车和紧凑型越野车,但尽管在上海国际车展上展出了混合动力SUV概念车,目前还不清楚它的第四款车型将是什么。

    Qoros offers hatchbacks and compact off-roaders , but despite the hybrid SUV concept shown in Shanghai , it is unclear what the fourth model will be .

  4. 实际上,这款菲亚特500L(前驱、五门掀背车)仿佛是世界上最小的1965款庞蒂克·博纳维尔汽车(PontiacBonneville)。

    Actually , the 500L ( front-drive , five-door liftback ) corners like the world 's smallest ' 65 Pontiac Bonneville .

  5. 总部位于杭州的吉利汽车(GeelyAuto)也是沃尔沃母公司旗下的公司。吉利汽车正在与沃尔沃共同研发各种车型——掀背车、轿车和小型SUV——的中级车。

    Geely Auto , the Hangzhou-based volume carmaker also owned by Volvo 's parent , is working with Volvo to create midsize cars in a variety of shapes - hatchbacks , sedans and small SUVs .

  6. 公司是国有企业,生产从入门级掀背车到轿车,再到SUV和货车等车辆,也生产电动汽车和混合动力汽车。

    The company is a state-owned enterprise , which manufactures cars ranging from entry-level hatchbacks to sedans to sport utility vehicles to vans to pick-up trucks . It also has a range of electric and hybrid vehicles .

  7. Lynk品牌的SUV将于明年在中国发售,并将在2018年底之前在欧洲推出,随后还将推出轿车、掀背车等更小型的汽车。

    A Lynk-branded SUV will launch in China next year and be rolled out to Europe by the end of 2018 , followed by smaller cars such as a saloon and a hatchback .

  8. 记性好的人可能还记得上世纪80年代通用汽车曾试图把雪佛兰Cavalier改成一款叫做凯迪拉克西马伦(Cimarron)的车型;另外在本世纪头10年,奔驰也推出了一辆差强人意的C230机械增压掀背车。

    Those with long memories will recall GM 's efforts to turn a Chevrolet Cavalier into the Cadillac Cimarron in the 1980s or Mercedes " half-hearted C230 Kompressor hatchback from the early aughts .

  9. 而且本田最近推出的创新产品,比如本田歌诗图(Crosstour)和讴歌ZDX掀背车,都是甫一上市就饱受诟病,也没能形成市场吸引力。

    Meanwhile , recent product innovations , like the Honda crosstour and Acura zdx hatchbacks , were widely panned upon introduction and failed to gain traction in the marketplace .

  10. 建立在tailgate-style掀背车,可于两个步骤:下的区域后方灯像一辆敞蓬波动,从而创造出装载表面很大的空间大的项目。

    The hatchback is built in tailgate-style and can be opened in two steps : the area under the rear lights swings out like a pick-up loading surface and thus creates a lot of room for big items .

  11. 我觉得我们只需要这台小型掀背车。

    I think that all we need is this small compact hatchback .

  12. 该试验车是以1系掀背车为蓝本的。

    The test mule is based on the1 Series hatchback .

  13. 差点撞上邻车道的掀背车

    almost hit a hatchback in the next lane .

  14. 前后轮距也分别增加了59毫米,相较于掀背车。

    The front and rear tracks have been increased by59 mm compared to the hatchback .

  15. 中国司机用太阳能板覆盖小的掀背车,减少汽油的消耗

    Formula sun ! Driver in China covers his tiny hatchback front to back in solar panels to cut back on petrol

  16. 中国一位司机把自己小的掀背车改装成太阳能车。

    A driver in China is harnessing the power of the sun - by converting his tiny hatchback into a solar-powered car .

  17. 据说2013版高尔夫本质上很像1974年版的高尔夫掀背车,不过它在设计和技术上都有大量创新,足以使它保住欧洲最畅销车型的地位。

    The 2013 golf is expected to be fundamentally similar to the hatchback that was introduced in 1974 , but with enough design tweaks and technological flourishes to enable it to remain the bestselling car in Europe .

  18. 标致表示,目前将根据中国和巴西等快速增长的市场的当地需求,调整其产品线,提供更多采用汽油发动机及自动档的轿车和皮卡(欧洲市场以中小型掀背车和柴油发动机为主)。

    Peugeot said it would now tailor its line-up dominated by small and midsize hatchbacks and diesel engines in Europe to local tastes in fast-growing markets such as China and Brazil , offering more sedans and pick-ups with petrol engines and automatic transmissions .

  19. 丰田(Toyota)再遭逆风。媒体纷纷报道,美国加州一位驾驶着普锐斯(Prius)掀背式混合动力车的司机在一条州际公路上高速行驶时,由于油门被卡住而无法减速。

    Toyota has run into further headwinds after widely publicised reports that the driver of a Prius hybrid hatchback in California had trouble slowing his speeding vehicle on an interstate highway after the accelerator jammed .

  20. 此外,掀背式的敞篷车和跑车,一个新的轿车模型将出售首次。

    Fourthly , for such a journey a cabriolet would be too heavy , and would fatigue the horse .