
yuè yě sài
  • Cross country race;point-to-point race
  1. 这个地方很适合举行自行车公路赛和越野赛。

    The area is well suited to road cycling as well as off-road riding

  2. 我尽量兼顾越野赛和田径日程表、报社打工以及我的教堂少年班和戏剧班。

    I juggled cross - country and track schedules , newspaper staff , and my church 's youth group and drama team .

  3. 尽管大多数越野赛在开赛前会清扫并核准赛道,但仍可能出现意外。

    Though most cross country race courses are groomed and approved ahead of race day , surprises can come up .

  4. 越野赛通常在任何天气状况下都会进行,这意味着参与者还不得不考虑可能影响比赛成绩的环境因素:风雨、冰雪、冰雹和热浪。

    Typically , cross country races take place in all weather conditions , which means you also have to worry about environmental conditions that can affect your race performance : rain and wind , snow and ice , hail and heat waves .

  5. 花费了几年时间在技术维修服务部门后,在英国为雅马哈进口商工作的我和摩托越野赛和Trials(技巧赛?)赛事产生了关联。

    When I worked in the UK for the Yamaha importer after spending a couple of years in the Technical Service Division I got involved in the Motocross and Trials programs .

  6. 阿拉伯沙漠里的吉普车越野赛,正在翻越沙丘的吉普车。

    Jeeps negotiating sand dunes on jeep safari in Arabian Desert .

  7. 我们打算在下个周末举行一次穿越森林的摩托车越野赛。

    We 're planning a scramble through the forest next weekend .

  8. 现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧探讨

    A Probe into the Running Skills in Cross-Country Running in Modern Pentathlon

  9. 她的父母均曾跑过马拉松,担任过高中径赛和越野赛项目的教练。

    Her parents were marathoners and high school track and cross-country coaches .

  10. 多日赛记分方法和越野赛相同。

    The multi-day score keeping method is the same as cross-country racing .

  11. 国际环湖自行车越野赛比赛场地;

    Field of International Lake-round Cyclo-cross ; 3 .

  12. 安妮:越野赛多日赛有什么特点?

    Annie : What are the characteristics of the cross-country race and multi-day race ?

  13. 我是一个公路赛的赛车手,这也是我第一次参加越野赛。

    I 'm a road racer so this was the first off-road race for me .

  14. 小轮车越野赛项目特点研究

    The Characteristics of BMX Competition

  15. 事实上,我们为28项运动的代表队都设计了新的产品,包括北京的自行车越野赛。

    And we 've actually created a new product for all28 sports , including BMX in Beijing .

  16. 上周末,当世界125cc摩托车越野赛来到德国站的时候,法国车手弗雷德里克又恢复了他的最佳状态。

    Frenchman Frederic stormed back to his best form when the world125cc motorcross Championship went to Germany last weekend .

  17. 越野赛部分安排在双鱼河乡村俱乐部会所和香港高尔夫球会会场内举行。

    The cross-country show jumping events will be held at the Beas River Country Club and Hongkong Golf Club .

  18. 本次活动为家庭提供免费游泳时段、泳圈和滑板,还有自行车越野赛和摩托表演。

    The event provides families free swim time and inflatables as well as a skateboard , BMX and motorcycle show .

  19. 采用数码摄影研究方法,对比分析现代五项越野赛中上坡跑和台阶跑技巧。

    Applying the method of taking pictures , this essay analyses the running skills in cross country running in modern pentathlon .

  20. 努尔米赢得10000米和8000米个人越野赛冠军后,又赢得了越野赛团体金牌,以及5000米赛跑银牌。

    Nurmi won the10000-meter run and8000-meter cross-country , took a third gold in the team cross-country and silver in the5000-meter run .

  21. 然而他和雅马哈队的合同到现在还未续签,这位前摩托车越野赛明星正在思考自己的前途。

    Nevertheless , his contract with Yamaha has not been renewed and the former motorcross star is thinking about his future career .

  22. 联合骑脚踏车兜风、足球和马球,摩托车越野赛是由五运动员尝试的二个队主演努力完成一个16寸(40个公分)球另一个目标。

    Combining cycling , soccer , and polo , motoball features two teams of five players trying to push a16-inch ( 40-centimeter ) ball through the other 's goal .

  23. 侧三轮摩托车越野赛和普通的摩托车越野赛非常相似,但是侧三轮摩托车的外形和普通摩托车不一样,它需要两个人驾驶而不是一个人。

    Sidecar motorcross is very similar to regular motorcross , but with a different type of chassis and with a team of two people riding together instead of one .

  24. 尼克:项目是不少,不过大体分为四类:摩托车场地赛,摩托车公路赛,摩托车旅行赛,摩托车越野赛和多日赛。

    Nick : there are many events . however , there are generally four types : track race , road race , travel race , cross-country race and multi-day race .

  25. 从让人头晕的悬崖,到自行车越野赛的路段或者从飞机上的一跳,各种各样的地形,可以让每名游客一年四季都有可玩的东西。

    From the dizzy heights of a cliff , the bounds achieved on the BMX course or the rush from jumping out of a plane , the varied terrain means there is always something for every tourist all year round .

  26. 超越极限挑战自我&七星国际越野挑战赛侧记

    Brave the Challenge beyond one 's Limit Sidelights on the Mild Seven Outdoor Questa

  27. 他是前奥林匹克越野障碍赛冠军。

    He 's a former Olympic steeplechase champion .

  28. 穿越死亡之海乌鲁木齐&吐鲁番汽车越野挑战赛散记

    Pass through the Sea of Death

  29. 国际汽联世界杯乡村越野系列赛

    FIA World Cup Cross Country Series

  30. 国际业余田联世界越野挑战赛

    IAAF World Cross-country Challenge